Looking for musicians to form a Korean rock/pop/jazz cover band


New member

me and my drummer (both 22yo) are seeking open minded musicians to form a small band to cover Korean songs.
looking for a guitarist(preferably both acoustic & electric trained) and a bassist. a pianist/keyboardist too if possible! :p

abit about us: we listen to a wide variety of genres and are both classically trained for more than 10 years each. our main influences are bands in the likes of Pink Floyd, Dream Theater and Rush, and they are among the bands that we have covered before. however our band has been inactive for quite a long while and.... I wna try my hand at something else. lol.

apart from English bands, we see a lot of Jpop, Jrock, Canto bands being formed up. but not bands playing Korean songs. so we thought, hey, why isn't anyone tapping into the Korean market while it's still hot and relatively new? besides, it's a global thing anyway. and since I am learning the language in school, pronounciation of the words won't be a problem for me; so i thought why not give it a shot and strike the iron while it's still hot? doesn't hurt to try. lol.

we'd wna do covers of Korean songs ranging from rock:

Trax - Blind

to simple acoustic:

2NE1 - Lonely (ft. Sungha Jung)

to live sessions like this:

2NE1 - Ugly (Live Sessions)

mostly the acoustic and live sessions though.
the song in the third link is the one that got us kinda hooked. c'mon it ain't half as bad. lol.

if anyone's interested: please leave me a text/whatsapp at 92997791. :D
if anyone's here to flame and bash: go ahead, help me bump up my post. thx. :twisted:
