looking for members for an indie project


New member
hello all, looking for like-minded musicians/enthusiasts for indie rock project. would like to go for an editors, radiohead, interpol, bloc party vibe.

currently in my late 20s. i have experience playing bass and shows in a band. my vocal range is pretty low to mid. am looking to do vocals, guitars, synths whatever that works for the project.

looking for people who aren't bound to one thing or musical influence as i tend to gravitate to music and things that aren't indie.

no restrictions to what you can do or play, if you're the kind to fiddle around with ideas and different instruments, chord progressions, whatnot that would be awesome. songwriting tendencies is a plus!

let's make something great and look beyond whatever that's around here. so if you think you'd like to be part of this, send me a message here.

also, if you're looking for a bassist to fill up a spot for your band, i'm not the guy. please don't pm to ask me to join your band. i'd like to work with people, not for people.

Hi there. Keen to jam and see where it goes. Im a vocalist. What’s the best way to contact you?
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Definitely up my alley. I’m also a vocalist. What’s the best way to contact you?