Looking for MATH ROCK GUITARIST to form a TWO piece


New member
Hey, I'm a drummer of 6 years (self-taught though) and I listen to a vast range of genres but what really gets me is MATH ROCK, cause I really love the complexity of the song structures and the ever-changing time signatures that just mindfucks the shit out of your brain.

Anyways, I'm looking for a guitarist who's into math rock as well to perhaps play in a two piece, like any typical math rock band lol. The direction I'm going for is the new kind of math rock, which is somewhat influenced by the modern alternative/indie rock music so that it has more of a melodic feel and also easy-listening for a larger crowd.

Bands I'm really into are The Bulletproof Tiger, Colour (UK), Giraffes? Giraffes!, Planets, Duck. Little Brother, Duck!, This Town Needs Guns, Six Gallery, Rooftops, Enemies. So as you can see, I'm not really fond of the noise math rock bands like Hella, Battles, That lovelovelovelovelovelovelove Tank, you get the gist.

So, if you're interested just email me at zakyyy@hotmail.com and we could give it a try. I'm 20 this year, currently serving NS, so my free time is only on the weekends. I'm in a band now as well so it's gonna be a bit packed but I'm really into this math rock extravaganza. So if you are probably as old as I am and in the same shit as me (army), just hit me up.
Mathematical endeavours still in the shadows, but the light shall bring in hopes and dreams for polyrhythmic togetherness. (I am still looking for a guitarist)