Looking for Indie Rock Lovers


New member
Hi guys and girls,

I'm a drummer/ ukulele player seeking bandmates of age 21 - 29 years of age.
Guitarists, bassists, keyboardists, vocalists and quirky instrumentalists with an immense eagerness to perform and belong in budding local band, please feel free to drop a mail to question.canopy@gmail.com with an introduction.

Musical influences:
Deathcab for cutie, The kooks, radiohead, arcade fire, the cults, and all other truly indie band sounds.

The ultimate goal is to gather unique but skilled musicians to cover and create originals, gain performance experience at numerous local performance spaces (i do have existing contacts to a few venues) and eventually utilize various media (viral, online and print) to market and brand the group as a local band. Sounding ambitious, but hope likeminded dreamers will hop on board this journey with me :)

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