Looking for a Female Vocalist, just for fun


New member
Hi All,

Been out of the game for 2 years now(was posted for work abroad) and just recently came back to Singapore.

I have a small set up, which is: myself(acoustic/elec guitar) and a female vocalist.
We used to play gigs here and there, paid ones, open mics, etc..basically for fun.
I also have a group of friends, ready to support us whenever a full band set up is required.
(so if you're looking for money and direct fame, i suggest you turn away)
together we write our own songs, do covers, sing mandopop, worship songs, 80s song, even to Adele nowadays..

We wanted to find another female vocalist, so she could compliment my current vocalist and switch leads on certain songs/genre.
Of course it would be great if you are used to harmonize and can play other instruments!

So, If you're around 24-30, think you're a lady(or at least half of it...), can sing(not think you can sing..hehehe)..not anti social, not racist, sober at times..etc etc..

do message me and i'll try to get back to you. ok?