Locking tuners advice/recommendations


New member
Hi all,

I'm looking into investing in some locking tuners for my Les Paul and Strat, as I'm attempting to do some low tuning playing. Just wanted to ask though - how exactly do these locking tuners work? (in terms of actually securing the string, as well as going about string changing and string tension between the tuner post and bridge)

Would also appreciate some recommendations on the various brands that have locking tuners! I understand there are the common ones like Fender stock ones, Sperzel and even Grover too? Anyways, would love to hear which ones hold up the best.

Also, my Les Paul and Strat are equipped with their stock Vintage tuners (Vintage Kluson Deluxe on the LP; Vintage Fender tuners on the Strat) and they have the dual-screw fit into the headstock. Are there any locking tuners that have a similar retro-fitting? Am trying to avoid drilling extra/offset holes into the back of the headstock!

I'm not sure you need new locking tuners in the quest for tuned-down playing as this wouldn't benefit you in any particular way.
Some points to consider: String gauge, setup and trussrod adjustment. If not confident to do it yourself (resources available on the web) take the guitars to a luthier to get this done professionally.

Locking tuners are really for whammy bar abuses, in which case, the strat isn't exactly the best guitar given a traditional whammy unit doesn't lock strings at the trem end. Ideally you lock strings at both ends (tuners & trem).

If you're really insistant on this Grover, Sperzels, Gotoh are all recommended brands and look on places like allparts or stewmac for the items you need. One thing to be wary of is the exact items you currently have since not all hole sizes as the same even if on the same brand of guitar (made in what country does affect this). Research what you have on first and then seek out the new items.

I've got some gotohs on mine and there's a sleeve that clamps the string downwards when you put in new strings. Pull the string in tight and turn the tuner button. As it winds the clamp inside the post comes down and you don't have more than one full wind per post.
String tension between post and bridge is only affected by string gauge and guitar scale, not the actual tuners themselves.

Hope that helps.