Local musicians use new local crowdfunding site Avvio


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Singer-songwriter Jonathan Meur as well as the students, staff and alumni of Orita Sinclair's music department are each running a campaign on new local crowdfunding site Avvio.

Jonathan, a familiar face in the local circuit, is using his campaign to fund his first full-length album-in-the-making, slated to be released near the end of 2014. He has a range of fun rewards for pledgers, including stickers, badges, house gigs and a chance to sing live with him on stage- a reward that has already been snapped up!

LaunchPad 2: Tomorrow's Music Today is the brainchild of the Music Production & Audio Engineering Department of Orita Sinclair School of Design, New Media & The Arts. A live music event on February 21st, 8pm, at Blu Jaz Cafe, it aims to raise funds to help a classmate finance his studies at the department, and features an exciting lineup- fusion jazz and progressive rock band Mono Trio X’Periment, who will be launching their CD single ‘Monkey Girl School’, Malay indie rock band ADVO, and alternative rock band It’s Teraparee. Rewards to this campaign are geared towards music-lovers and include acoustic panels to treat rooms (available in different sizes), studio recording time and even music workshops.

Do support these campaigns and spread the word amongst your friends who might be interested in the rewards!

If you are a musician or anyone with an idea, feel free to get in touch with Avvio (xijie@avvio.me). We're happy to help!

About Avvio

Avvio is a crowdfunding site for Singapore. More than just another platform, we provide support and community to encourage people to start what they love. Avvio is currently supporting three local campaigns and growing.

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