Line 6 Tonecore Modules


Lets say i want a Line 6 verbzilla. but i HATE the enclosure and i've been reading up that the footswitch is quite a bit of pain.

so i've been dreaming abt drilling some holes onto a custom enclosure, (you know the ones you can buy off TYMC) drill some holes and mount the guts from a verbzilla module (you know those little cassette thingies you can exchange in and out of ur tonecore enclosures).

dont own any tonecore pedals so have no idea how the pedals' guts are configured.

how crazy do i sound? practical? impractical? am i just talking crazy?

so this is to all the techies on Soft.. educate me =)

I've even been thinking about working the circuity onto a lets say an ernie ball volume pedal so that engaging the effect would mean that i can use the vol pedal to control the wet and dry mix.

(yes, it's cos i want that OCTO)
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rehousing tonecore, maybe can try asking over at line 6 forum. But i doubt it can be done.

I have a tonecore pedal and took apart to take a look in it long while back. Theres another piece of circuit inside the pedal, which need to be connected to the module itself for it to work. To rehouse it and if its possible, you will need whats in the pedal itself and the module to work. Just the module alone, without the dock, most prolly wont work, unless someone has already manage to hack into the module and figure out whats going on in there.

to do the dry wet mix, you need another separate active circuit to do it. Theres couple effect that can do something like that, eg, exotic x blender, barge concept blender or toneczar vfm. At the heart of the thing, its basically a parallel mixer/blender doing the work. Splitting signal into 2 path, one path is uneffected, the other going to another effect. After which both effect and uneffected signal are then mixed together again(in parallel, instead of the usual series connection for guitar and effect). The mixing part can be controlled either by a pot or expression pedal.

Goose, aka goosonique in the forum here has done something like that a while back. Not sure if he is still doing it. You can check with him

i have 2 of the goose built blender thingy and it works for my setup where theres lotsa blending in and out. The goose built blender effect built in the 2 boss volume pedal below. Basically nothing is left of the volume pedal part, instead a totally different circuit was put in there to mix my signal from one pedalboard to the other. The mini kaosspad on the geetar is also in another dry/wet loop via a diy pedal which i did couple years back, doing the same parallel mixing thingy.

@PatheinRaindropMoe: hey man, thanks for the comprehensive reply. it's much appreciated. yea, i've read abt gooseie's mix pedal. i actually have the gigrig's wetbox. but my uneducated mind is thinking that since the verbzilla has it's own mix pot, with the proper know-how it could be re-wired to an expression control to control the mix.

I've actually emailed some of the local shops known for their custom work, hopefully someone will know something =)

in the mean time if someone here has used the tonecore modules please post some pictures! or if you have any idea how they work.. enlighten me =)
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the verbzilla has it's own mix pot, with the proper know-how it could be re-wired to an expression control to control the mix.

For pedal out there with a physical potentiometer, taking out the leads/wires to the pot that control certain parameter, connect it to a stereo jack. Its possible to use expression pedal on it.

One way which i know can do that, is to use a stereo jack to do it. Making use of the tip, wired it as signal send into the expression pedal, going through the pot and out to the ring tab on the jack as signal return into the pedal and next circuit stage.

If wanna do mixing of wet and dry, can try wiring the tip and ring as signal send into the pot (of expression pedal) and sleeve as signal return back into the pedal next circuit stage. In this way, the pot within the expression pedal is configure as a divider device.

I did something similar to the above mentioned and it works for me in some diy projects, even though iam not sure whether is it correct in term of circuitry.

anyway, heres some pics of my dismantled verbzilla. To rehouse, if possible, you need everything there(module, mainboard and the small board that link the module to the mainboard), minus the original case and to find a way to change the circular looking thingy at the bottom of the main circuit board to a 3pdt switch or another way to hit on it, inorder to on/off the effect.

For the module, will need to crack open the plastic casing to reach the inside. As theres no catch or screw to open it up. That one, i cant do, the pedal still serving me well, so i shall spare its life..




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dude..... u didnt have to go and dismantle your VERB!!! hardcore man hahahahaha top notch!

I owe you one. I guess avoiding the hassel of rehousing will simply be that i get a vol pedal and the verbzilla pedal proper and run it in an isolated loop with the mix knob on the verb itself turned up all the way. Toe down.. all wet.. heel down all dry. hmm am i thinking right?

but dang.. i really totally wanna know the possibility of mounting the circuitry onto a vol/expression pedal. maybe when i have a bit more monetary fluidity. lol.
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nah, no worries on the dismantling, its fun and interesting to see pedals get open up.

bout the toe down/heel down setting, its not fixed, that will depend on the way its being wired. If you wanna versatility, you can request the tech doing the wiring, put in a 2pdt toggle switch or stompswitch within expression/volume pedal, before the wiring get connected to the pot, to reverse the sweep direction. Its one of the mod which i learnt from toneczar modded EB expression pedal when i took it apart to examine it.

The switch will change the toe down/heel up respone

eg: Setting A- Toe down is fully wet, heel down fully dry

when the switch is toggled, it will be setting B where toe down is fully dry and heel down is fully wet.

as for using volume pedal, you might need to change the wiring inside. For volume pedal, the pot is being wired with signal flowing into pot, come out from the middle point and the 3rd point wired to ground. Thus if using it to control the reverb amount, it will be more to controlling the volume level of signal with reverb, either going to amp or going to ground(0 volume)

it can be a bit confusing for the above, so the best, do check with the folks who be doing the thing for you.
Crap.. none of the shops I emailed have replied me!

Is what I'm suggesting here really THAT alien? surely someone else would've given this possibility a thought? hahahhaha..
the idea is not alien. In context of using parallel path with guitar effect via a stompbox kinda format. One of the earlier mentioning was back in 1970s, by craig anderson(one of the earliest folk who did books on effect circuit and stuff)

Heres 2 sites with some info on the blending circuit. It was also something which i based on, when diy-ing on my own few years back, for something similar purpose.

perhaps you can bring the idea to modder/builder or sort, see if they can improved or build something for you based on the above.
Hi there,

Sorry for answering in such an old thread, but the picture I found on this thread is the one I was looking for a long time. I mean the inside of Ubermetal.

I need help in assembling Line6 Uber Metal pedal, I was meant to make the battery connection work again but accidentally one part had fallen off, and I have no idea how to put it together to make it work.

This part is made from 3 steel parts which are convex, but I have no idea how to put it all together to make it work.
Is it supposed to be like ((( or ()( or )() or maybe ))) and on which side is the PCB board. Please help, I can make it all 4 times to check which solution works, but i don't want to make it useless or broken.

The part is not broken, I just have no idea, how it was supposed to be, because I am not familiar with PCB boards, and any electric stuff from this side. I prefer to use them instead of knowing how it works.

Picture of the part below. From what I understood it is the part responsible for switching the effect on/off... So the important one.

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