Line 6 Pod XT


New member

What's the price of a line 6 POD XT in sg? Not in sg now so just want to compare price before I decide where to buy it.

I think there's a thread that's discussed this already. maybe you could try searchin for it?

i have a podxt. it's fun to play around with, but be prepared to spend late nights tweaking this thing. It can get pretty frustrating, to be honest. I think my biggest problem with it right now is that, at home I always have to practice with headphones (I don't have any full-range speakers, or flat monitors). When u've got headphones on, it's kinda hard to write songs coz you can't hear urself singing a melody - if ur even into that kinda thing.

So anyways, it's got a few drawbacks that u need to consider, but for what it costs, it's a brilliant piece of equipment. I like to use it to record, coz it gives me a lot of sounds to play around with (especially with the mod packs). But for live use, I'd rather pedals and a good amp.
The reason why I'm considering POD XT is because of the headphone jack... heheh...

I want to start a one man band at home, where I'm the rythm, lead, bass, etc. all-in-one. With XT, I can interface with my comp and record different parts (rythm, lead, bass) to form a whole song.

Plus it is a all-in-one package, so hoping that it will stop me from getting all the other "gizmos"...

MidnightFender said:
Thanks cherubrock...

How about some reviews on POD XT? Anybody has anything to say about it? What about other recommendations?

PODxt or rather Pod does have a problem when it comes to live applications. No doubt it is great for recording purposes but pod sounds, does not cut through well, particularly leads. It lacks tightness. Cleans are good. I was former user of a PODxt but eventually dropped it due to the mentioned reasons. Quite a number of pod users i know encounter the same problems. Maybe it's just personal preference.

hi there;
former pod xt user as well here. for pure recording purposes, took me awhile before i foudn the sound i wanted. but even after that, i ditched it. for quality, and maybe reality, altho debatable by some, i would still prefer mic'ing an amp and using pedals. my amp and pedal combo now is pure satisfaction. but some will say the hassle of micing and getting the room verb right etc is not worth it. some will claim the pod xt comes just as close if not better. IMHO, XT lacks warmth, a certain analogue feel to it. sure many argue that everthing that is sampled just sounds the same after awhile. i beg to differ. its a matter of trial and error. use ur ears. whatever works for you my friend. cheers.
Thanks guys, but does anyone have experience with forming the "one-man-band" with other equipment? I heard about some Digitech (I forgot the model) stuff also not bad. Haven't got the chance to check it out though.

Reviews??? Comments??? Suggestions???
MidnightFender said:
Thanks guys, but does anyone have experience with forming the "one-man-band" with other equipment? I heard about some Digitech (I forgot the model) stuff also not bad. Haven't got the chance to check it out though.

Reviews??? Comments??? Suggestions???

I think you might be refering to the Digitech GNX3 or the GNX4. These are the essential attributes to your "one-man-band" as it is capable of everything. Integrated Multitrack recording, track layering and editing. MP3 playback, drum loops and even "transform" a guitar to a bass guitar, not mentioning all the effects it has in store. Check it out at

But aside from the prowess it has a downside. It is insanely expensive, not everyone can afford and willing to spurge on a standalone digital device. With that amount i would spend on a mixer, monitor and mics and a good recording software.

If you wait a little longer you can try out the new PODxt LIVE, incorporating the Vetta modelling technology of the Podxt and at the same time being floor-based. It will be out in November for a price slightly higher then the PODxt.

the digitech GNX4 cost US$599.95 in music123. So expensive. SG how much? should be more than a thousand.

Can buy US Strat already. sheesh...
MidnightFender said:

the digitech GNX4 cost US$599.95 in music123. So expensive. SG how much? should be more than a thousand.

Can buy US Strat already. sheesh...

Yes more than 1k if you include shipping and all.
And yes its insane.
cherubrock said:
If you wait a little longer you can try out the new PODxt LIVE, incorporating the Vetta modelling technology of the Podxt and at the same time being floor-based. It will be out in November for a price slightly higher then the PODxt.

Apart from having a digital input for the Variax guitars and an incorporated pedalboard, I don't think the XTLive is any different from the XT in terms of features.

I'm under the impression that MidnightFender just wants to do multitrack recordings at home or something like that, so I think a PodXT would suit him fine. It's small, sits on your desk and it looks like a cute little kidney bean! hey, what more could u want.

As for the GNX, I wouldn't bother...
One thing about Line 6 products, don't bother with the knobs. Go straight to the computer interface to tweak, you get better tone etc...
hehe...reminiscient of myself...couldn't wait to get my hands on it...then after that, couldn't wait to get it off my hands...
i am a victim of gear lust u see...

hehe...reminiscient of myself...couldn't wait to get my hands on it...then after that, couldn't wait to get it off my hands...

What the ???

Are you saying that you gave up on pod xt? If so, why?

I always wait for 3 months before I buy stuff. If after 3 months and I still want it, that means that I'll probably use it for a long time. Just to prevent myself from wasting money.
yeah gave up. couldn't get the sounds i wanted. needed to do post-eq and verbs etc. btw, the pod xt verbs just dun cut it. my personal opinion lah.
but anyways, i got many firends who swear by it and love every inch of it. so yeah, one man's meat is another man's poison. it didn't get voted best multi fx for nothin lor. :)
anyways, am totally happee with my amp and pedals now. imho, nothing beats an amp and analogue pedals. heh. there's juz somethin abt the sound coming out fo the speaker cones...juz sounds more natural lah.
I don't agree that pedals sound better.

The XT has some awesome sounds. Especially with the mod packs. I was playing around with my XT last night (I've had it for 4 months now) and I discovered some totally new hi-gain sounds that I love. Sure, pedals are way more fun to play with when you're on stage, but when your in a home studio, the versatility the XT gives you is what you need.

I mean, try micing up your pedal and amp rig, tell me how many different sounds you can get. For $500 you're getting a whole tonne of pedals, amps, cabs, and mic's, and with the updates u can download off the net... i mean, it's pretty crazy.

midnightFender, don't get scared. I seriously think a podXT is worth your while as a home recording tool.

Having said that, I really hope you like tweaking though. It takes time to figure out how to get around the podXT, and while some of the amps and effects just sound unuseable, many of them are fantastic.

I think you should go to citymusic and try it out for a while. Check out the Line 6 Clean, Line 6 JTS-45, Double Verb, Matchless DC30, and Vox AC30 models. Those are probably my favourite without the mod packs. You can use the RAT stomp to drive the Double Verb and you get a really nice high gain boogie-type sound.

Anyways, that's all from me. Check out the discussion forums at, I think you'll find a lot of the information you need by browsing through that.