lights at gigs (request to light designers)


Staff member
i am a newbie at taking pix but after a few gigs, i discover that lighting is VERY important. (ya, i know most of the time it is my fault :oops: )

one little request to all light designers at gigs: light up the whole stage, use color to set the mood but dont strob them all the way, high light the musician, spot on the singer or solo-ing musician.


without any stage light, the pix looks a bit 'not happening'


with a little bit of stage light


best is if like this lah!
hee..hee... actually this post applies to the gig organisers also. now you can "see" the difference. So when the equipment company ask you, "Do you want any lights?" You must show them these pix and say, "I want the same as Deep Purple one". :lol: :lol:

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