LEAD GUITARIST / CAJONISTA - Invited To Join With A Group (Open For Audition)


New member
We are a group of working professionals with musical inclination of different Musicality.
We are inviting a "Lead Guitarist" or a "Cajon Percussionist" who can play-by-ear.

Audition is not N a conventional way. jUST BE YOURSELF and jam with us and we'll assess you according to your style whether you'll fit with us or whether we'll fits you. We play hits pop music with our own cover re-arrangement and style. We are a harmony-oriented group in an acoustic format. We don't play hard rocks or heavy metal music though we appreciate to listen.

We can all be friends whether you'll pass or not. It's just music and it's to entertain and simply enjoy.

Among our performance are below links:


If you got the beat or the lead, give it a shot with us and ride along together with a promising musical journey that differs and above from the rest.
