Kozo Suganuma Clinic - 31 Aug 2007


New member
hey guys,

i just got this in my mail!! 8O

Dear Friends,

The great drummer, Kozo Suganuma, is back for a clinic featuring YAMAHA fantastic electronic drumsets, DTXPRESSIV Special.

It will be held at Ngee Ann Auditorium, Ancient Civilization Museum at 1 Empress Place, on 31st Aug 2007 Friday 7pm.
Tickets are available now and grab them before sold-out!

Free pair of complimentary tickets for any purchase of DTX models while stock lasts.

We hope to see you there.

kozo's nickname in japan is 手数王 ("king of many hands" - what the hell abit cock rite...hahah) he's well known as a drum sensei and clinician.

the last time he came round, i thought he wasn't very articulate but he had great strokes nevertheless. if nothing else, i'd take it like watching a friday movie, just go there sit down look see got anything good to take home :lol:

anyone interested?

check him out here:

(lovely hairdo)
Hmm $15 is cheap. No harm going to see see.

Wonder if they have any lucky draw prizes too? :p
I'm not too enthusiastic about this clinic, since it's done on the electronic kit, which will probably become a "product demo".
shiate!!! i got teachers' day dinner, and i'm not a teacher!! but i already said i'd go and i can't go AWOL now.

i duno who this guy is either but i'd totally pay $15 to see things from another perspective since no 2 drummers play alike (100%).

anyway, i trust plainsman would not intro if he thought this was a waste of time so go guys, then share your experiences with us who didn't go :smt081
any drum clinic i sure onz, lock stock and smoking barrel

just go and see, nobody's ever got killed watching a clinic (not that i know off)

brother massage, abit OT ah... hhahaha
lucky u lah, MP, can make it for this clinic then. suddenly the idea of a free dinner at a fancy hotel doesn't sound as enticing as a drum clinic i have to pay for.........

well... on behalf of softies drummers, me and mel went down yesterday to kozo suganuma

yes i guess it was more of a product demo/showcase of sorts but perhaps thats how they keep the ticket prices down to $10 or so.

kozo was not only competent, he was fantastic!!! he's picked up some digeridoo skills (yes u read that part right) and he developed some "beatbox-on-digeridoo" shite which was both funny and interesting.

he also played around with a number of percussion stuffs (reminds me of airto moreira segmet in drum festivals)


you were wondering if he played the drums? well, he definitely did... and boy, his strokes were out of this world!!!!

he got his strokes down pat to the point, his air drumming was amazing.

u can ask him to show any rudiments .. flam tap, ratamacue, drags, drags with cheese/cheddar

he got it all down to a T man.


there was another segment while he demonstrated use of yamaha dtxpress/xplorer could use metronome to check if you're playing on the dot.

he mentioned professional drummers having an average of 2.0 - 3.0,

advanced drummers 3.0 - 4.0

and beginners 4.0 - 5.0

he tested a 2.2 on the spot :D

five other guys came on stage.. including our very own ANISH ! (exRocker)

anish did us proud.... he got the highest score out of the five!!!

he scored a 2.5 8)

one of regular guys we often bumped into at drum fests... takashi, scored 2nd highest at 2.9

the rest got 5.0 or more ......

back to main, kozo demonstrated and answered questions.... and also shared gladstone and moeller technique.

his understanding of moeller demonstrated included 4 strokes (instead of usual 3)

he added an additional tap before pulling up for final stroke. its pretty cool stuff.

he also demonstrated pull-and-push technique, showing how u can achieve fast hits on hats and ride cymbal.

all in all, a super entertaining and useful learning experience. 8)

a bonus for u all who didn't come.... :oops: :lol:



Hey Plainsman...thanks !!

Boy it was tough to play against that metronome....happy to get the sticks and the stick bag as my prize :) !

I agree with you ...it was an amazing clinic...so much to learn from him...loved the way he could play different styles so easily.
