Korg Ax1000g owners please help mE!


New member
Hi, i have a korg ax 1000g effects. Its giving me a very loud and constant buzzing noise even when nothing is being played. Even with the Noise reduction turned to full 100pts, the noise is still there. I am not using the original adaptor. I understand the the output ampherage could be different from the original. Mine is DC output : 1.5v-12v, 400mA max. Is t
here a diff between your original adaptor and my generic adaptor? i fear this is causing the problem. Could you also advice me on where i can go get it fixed? CIty music? And how about getting a replacement small knob (the black colour small knob). I accidentAlly lost mine. Thanks for your help.
Likely yours is konked out. Bought it 2nd hand isit??

Could be fried by improper supply voltage. Just once is enough, no turning back. That's why I always emphasise to my customers to use the original power supply. Multi purpose type are very cheap and convinent, but very easy to err in setting.

I remember seeing another case similar about 6 mths ago.