Keeping bass guitar and amp in air con room


New member
Hi fellow softies.
Will anything happen to our bass guitars and amp if we were to keep it in an air conditioned bedroom? Will the fluctuating temperature cause any warps in the wood? I am seriously considering shifting all my rigs to my air con bedroom. Any bros done this before?
i don't think there should be any problems with doing this is singapore weather. i've been doing that and haven't encountered any problems. besides, guitar shops and jam studios are air conditioned, and the air con is not on 24/7 either 8)

the only problem that i know of is humidity, extremely dry conditions can cause wood to crack, hence stories of double basses becoming completely destroyed in dry weather. but again, dry weather is not a problem here

anyway, solid body guitars are very hardy instruments :)
i don't think there should be any problems with doing this is singapore weather. i've been doing that and haven't encountered any problems. besides, guitar shops and jam studios are air conditioned, and the air con is not on 24/7 either 8)

the only problem that i know of is humidity, extremely dry conditions can cause wood to crack, hence stories of double basses becoming completely destroyed in dry weather. but again, dry weather is not a problem here

anyway, solid body guitars are very hardy instruments :)

Thanks for the tip bro!:)
I don't think there will be any warping in the wood, or at least it hasn't happened to me yet. But for my guitars, the strings rust faster.

I used to keep all my guitars in my air conditioned bedroom and the strings rust really quickly, and I had to change my strings every 2-3 weeks.

Now they are in the store room, strings can last longer. Haha.
the strings shouldn't rust so much if you keep them in your gig bag. I keep my bass in a gator sling bag in an airconditioned room and the strings are alright. Same goes for the guitars.
man, i haven't changed my strings since i bought the bass. that was like 6 months ago

no.1 rule for strings, like any electric guitarist will tell you:
the strings shouldn't rust so much if you keep them in your gig bag. I keep my bass in a gator sling bag in an airconditioned room and the strings are alright. Same goes for the guitars.

Man, leaving ur bass in ur bag will increase ur chances of getting ur guitar neck twisted.
In my own opinion, i think it's better to put the instrument at a place with constant temperature. So that means leaving it in an air-con place or outside
most of the time. Recommand keeping bass in air-con places though. Generally Singapore's too humid.
i've never heard of basses or guitar strings rusting faster in air conditioned rooms... the thing about aircons is that it makes the environment too dry... now too dry is good for a guitar.. or at least thats wat i was told... why do u think ppl put those moisture absorbing packs in their gigbags/hardcases? to make it even dryer ;)

dry = no water in air
no water in air = rust cannot happen
rust cannot happen = longer string life
longer string life = save cash on replacing strings
save cash on replacing strings = a happier bassist

about leaving ur bass exposed to the environment, its obviously better to leave it in an aircon room. why do u think the strings on guitars in shops dont really rust that fast even though they're out in the open all the time? about guitar necks getting twisted in the bag, i dont really think that happens, coz if it does, then nobody would be using gigbags anymore, doncha think? :p

the important thing about wood warping and such is that you shouldn't let the guitar go through a drastic temp change. meaning if ur guitar has all the while been in an airconditioned environment, dont take it out into the hot sun straight away... also, if ur guitar has been in ur car for quite some time, dont take it out of its gigbag/case straight away when u enter an air conditioned studio... always give time for ur instrument to get used to the temp change... let it chill in the gigbag/casing awhile b4 taking it out ;)