Jimi hendrix style?


New member
Just curious if any right hander guitarist like got a left handed guitar and played it upside down, somewhat like jimi hendrix? might wanna try it out xD
Has been done before. Just gotta get the nut accomodated to swap the strings the other way round, get it set up right and then change the location of the strap pin.
does it sound like diff or anything? cause like the strings are turned "upside dwn"

Yes it will sound different. The poles on the pickups are calibrated specifically for each string. Turning them upside down will give in a different sound. Most obvious change will be on the bridge pickup because its slanted.
Dude, you'd obviously string it in the proper manner. Even if you flip it around, you flip it AFTER you've strung it duhhh
So can i take out the nut, flip it around put it back and restring? or muz i get a new nut? thx :)