jazz bass problems


New member
I need help or advice. I got a mim jazz bass which is a hand me down i got for free. I setup the bass myself with the help of youtube and i set the neck and string action pretty nice. But i got this problem on the 12th frets onwards. The notes are dead like "twat twat" dead.

Iam looking for luthiers or someone who can point me to a direction.

Try raising the saddles a bit. You may have to tweak the truss rod again after this.


Chin Yuen
if you live near Clementi, I can show you how to set it up FOC. Just Pm me.

Try raising the saddles a bit. You may have to tweak the truss rod again after this.


Chin Yuen
if you live near Clementi, I can show you how to set it up FOC. Just Pm me.

It actually works. Gave me a scare. Thank you for that top tip. Cheers