Jam aloud 2! Band competition!


New member
Hey everyone!

Jam Aloud! 2 is an annual event organized by NUSME that aims to promote and develop the local music scene through an amiable and fanatical band competition. The event not only serves as a platform for aspiring musicians to showcase their musical talent, it also aims to cultivate interests in the performing arts scene amongst the youth in Singapore. Jam aloud! 1 was held in NUS last year with participation of bands from all over NUS. We were fortunate to have Eunice Olsen as our guest-of-honour.

This year, Jam Aloud! will be done on a bigger scale! It is going to be the first ever inter-tertiary band competition for bands from Nanyang Poly, Ngee Ann Poly, Republic Poly, Singapore Poly, Temasek Poly, NTU, NUS, SMU and SIM.

There would be up to $3000 in cash and prizes to be won! Check out http://nusme.com/jamaloud2 for more details and the registration form!

PS: Rules with regards to number and composition of the band members are quite flexible so do check out the website for more details!

See you at the event!!

s.p.on.g.e was third in the first JamAloud. Second place is a hall band. First place I don't remember which NUS club they were from. Tough competitors, great covers and great vocalists!
nah... we've gotta concentrate on the album. Competitions take a lot of time to prepare for. All the best to you guys if you decide to join!
haha.. do you at least have ONE member in ur band who's in a tertiary institution now? heh.

*laughs* cannot make it leh, all graduate liao. go ns, fight war, then come back ord already. :p we feel so old

nvm i try psycho my friend to take part time course somewhere....
my band RAGAMUFF will be performing last of the 6 bands in the FINALS. do come down if you want to see a good show

kudos to all the bands!
especially Quasimondo and ragamuff u guys were superb!
Im from stereowave btw= D
Sup ya'll~!! Shawnrick here!! Jam Aloud 2 was fun! haha.. thx to all who came down to support each and every one of the bands.. and jon~ u handsome~ ahhaha..

So once again on behalf of all of us in Stereowave, we'd like to say have a great time doin wat ya'll are doin now.. and lotsa love!


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