Intro: unagi


New member
hello to everyone, im new here.

im 27+ as of this post.

played guitars about 5 years ago with a band and just jammed back then. then stopped and even sold my axe.

skills all gone.

recently brought back into jamming by two new-found friends who love music like i do. they are guitarists and they're considered almost intermediate level. im playing bass n vocals currently with them. Singing + one-note bass but i guess i shall get better, just like my guitarist friends. no drummer yet. we aint playin very tight yet. it'll take time. but the 3 of us love music. n jamming has become a hobby.

cheers to all.
bigb00bs said:

hehehe.. welcome to soft!

i always wonder y the ladies are always shouting out wanting to eat unagis....

anyway, cheers, lol.

n u have an interesting nick. . . . you bf must be a lucky guy, keke.
unagi... hahaha.. an interesting nick for a very interesting person ey.. :lol:

and yes.. my bf is a very lucky guy! :D