If you are an aspiring singer, we want you!


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You are Invited to Join the Pop Rocks World Singing Contest

We are the creators of Pop Rocks World ttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pop-rocks-world-hd-music-rpg/id581732017?mt=8) – a music career RPG mobile game that’s gaining a lot of traction on the iTunes store.

We are currently holding a contest to look for a singer we can feature in our game.

If you win, you will be forever immortalized in our game as a featured special celebrity alongside stars we’ve lampooned like Adele, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Snoop Dog and more! This is a great chance to be featured in a mobile game and be exposed to potentially millions of gamers, no doubt amongst them music executives. Not everybody gets a chance like this!

To find out more, simple head on to this link - Pop Rocks World Contest |

We look forward to your participation!

Kind regards,
Swag Soft LLP
Top Singapore Iphone App Developer
To all singers who are interested in the contest, do share your video here as well for all the see :)

Thanks, and all the best