Ibanez JEM7 VSBL - Blue Sparkle Jem


New member
For sale, a very excellent condition Ibanez JEM 7 VSBL, the sparkle blue jem. I do not play floyded guitars these days much so guess its time for a new home. The VSBL has a nice medium neck and not a skinny wizard type profile. Body is alder and not basswood.

Set up with 9s, low action and play excellent. Lots of fret life, the vintage silver hardware is like new. No dings, no fading of the blue sparkle paint. Other than a small 2mm paint chip at the trem cavity, no dings or dents at all.

Does not come with original case. Asking $2650.

Sms/whatsapp 9628-0036.

Specs from the Ibanezwiki site here http://ibanez.wikia.com/wiki/JEM7V_(Sparkle_Blue)
