How/Where to put block inlays on my dot Fender Jazz?

Andrew H

New member
This is my 1995 MIJ Fender Jazz that I bought from Japan 1 year ago

(the Fender USA sticker on the pickguard probably from the previous owner)


but I feel a bit bored by the dot inlays, and I always liked the look of block inlays on the 1970's Fender Jazz basses, and it does help me to play better in a way.

I was wondering if it's possible to put in Mother-of-Pearl block inlays on the fretboard, or is there some reasons I shouldn't do it?

Not getting my hopes up, how much does the inlaying work cost is if it's possible?
Hmm it will definitely cost quite a bit because there will be routing involved, not to mention that you have to make sure that block inlays fit the route just nicely. It's ok if it's too big cos you will still be able to file/sand it down, but if it's too small then GG.

Imo, if you want to preserve the value of your instrument, just buy inlay stickers. Some look pretty convincing and they'll prevent that big hole in your pocket.
I did try inlaystickers quite some time ago, they looked great at first, but then like about a month, it started peeling and the sharp edges kept rubbing against my fingers, so I had to remove it.

I'm not really that concerned about the value of the bass, most likely it will stay with me forever, and I'm planning to do some upgrades for it (e.g Bartolini pickups, Aguilar onboard preamp).
I'm curious how the block inlays help you play better.

Dot to block inlays is quite common luthier work... but I don't know any local luthiers who do it tho :p Anything small to bigger is no biggie (har har). Going from big down to small, now that's complicated.
I'm curious how the block inlays help you play better.

Simple, pretty muche the same way figured maple tops, or your favourite color works.
You like the look of your bass more, you like it more then you enjoy playing it more and you play it more often. When you enjoy doing what you're doing ( and this goes for anything), you do it better.

Andrew H, you can also consider getting a new neck with block inlays. The instocknecks with blocks at Warmoth start from usd 230.
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