How to improve?

watch an instructional video like rock discipline and get your technique down...then try playing harder songs la...force yourself out of the rut...
Not gettin any better as in technique..harmonics,vibrato,slide etc.? speed? fingering?
watch intructional videos, they are VERY VERY helpful period!
Youtube is there for a reason!

...AND DONT GIVE UP! keep practicing, start slow.. whats the rush! cheers bro! :)
you could trying learning a new genre? then incorporate what you've learnt into the usual way of playing. haha
Play speed metal, the most painful but most effective way of forcing technique out of your stubby fingers.
watch videos of your fav guitarist/band playing on a live front on host such as Youtube etc.

watch players like Paul Gilbert who shows what a guitarist can do at the max.try skipping instrutional videos cause they tend to talk alot and play less.
Bro, u try to do the simpler stuffs first & try perfecting them.. Cuz sometimes when we're stucked, u should look back and see if u really perfected those simple things such as simple add-ons during strumming or playing chords at different positions. If everything seems bored, go for alittle shredding.. haha then u will have new doors opening..

Just my 2 cents worth! Takes time man..
Play -9-10-11-12- repeatedly on the 6th string..1 finger entitled to 1 note..

Play as slow as ONE second PER note..make sure ur fingers are very near to the fingerboard and ur first finger is always pressing down the 9th fret (not jumping up and down)

Lastly, u hav to hear the sound dat is coming out of ur amp are of 4 notes..not some unclear tabs like deng-deeng-bum-deeeeng-..this may happen because u are trying to adapt ur fingers to stay near the fingerboard..u hav to avoid the 'bum' or watever shit sound..

This technique of nearing ur fingers to ur fingerboard is for the sake dat u could shred perfectly..FAST yet CLEAR NOTES..if u juz shred but sound shit,why not u juz do some pickslide? aha..

So yea..i learned dat from a fren of mine who could play speed kills by michael angelo..i didnt follow wat he said at first,coz yea,like me now,i sound dumb by teaching u this..but hell,if u wanna be a pro,u hav to start from scratch..Every new thing u learn,how fast the shredding is or how slow,u hav to adapt ur fingers for as slow as u can..and i mean really the practice written above..even sweeping,do it damn damn slow,and i'll tell u,in a week,u can sweep like Malmsteen..forget about canon tempts u to learn quick..

Patience is wat u need..

Hope u heed my advice..and those who believe this practice always work,please give some kudos so this bro would actually think about it..
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@Hydrofly : Haha! ya maybe ah.. But no la, I think becuz LadyInTears practiced & familiarized with X's songs.. So i need to WHACK myself & practice PRACTICE MORE !!! \m/ :twisted:
sorry to interrupt.... but well, people learn for years and they still can't shred properly... (guilty). i guess its how much time u can devote to playing ur guitar too.. better to spend 20 mins a day everyday then to spend 3 hrs a week. just learn the simple scales first... master them in side and out. u'll have a tendency to learn everything all at once... thats where u'll fail. sometimes... well, gd luck bro...
Be patient..

One is about music is the result don't come overnight....there is why many people gave up cause they are not aware of the fact above.....

Just practise n practise, play things that you cannot do...some people always like to play things that they can do that case you will be stuck...must break out of it...

Nowadays so many resources.....unlike when we were in our younger ultimate mxtabs....only cassette,(Cds later) in order to learn a song...must play and u utube....have to go thru hard ways.....

So no excuse really, unless you did not really spend enough time...or don't have enough passion..and just want result fast...or else..should be ok...

Hope that encourages....hehe
I think i found the reason. I want fast results lol. So currently I'm playing 2 hours per day, mostly playing songs. What would you recommend in a practice regime?

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