Highest recorded vocal note!

haha. can someone try singing at a frequency so high, people can't hear them anymore? okay bleh.

but seriously, these people are WHOAA. *hails*
LoL :lol:

And i thought Steelheart's singer Mike Matijevic was crazy enough to sing the way he does, but this guy's insane.
have u guys heard of the band Nitro? Their singer Jim Gillette has a vocal range of 6 octaves if im not wrong, he can break glass in concerts when he holds his pitch at a certain level for a few seconds at the glass, he did that at Nitro concerts to please the crowds...anyway, Nitro's lead guitarist is the better known Micheal Angelo Batio, Jim Gillette is no longer in the scene as he bought some island in the carribean and lives there with his wife, Lita Ford...lol...listen to this sample!!
Lita Ford his wife???
Lita ford is a Git Graduate right...
i had her cds and Nitro too...

the vocal yup its kinda high...i agree..