HELP ! problem with my bass !


New member
Greetings fellow bassplayers and techs...

I have a rather peculiar problem, one that it seems pretty straightforward to fix, but I have my own apprehensions.

I recently bought an OLP MusicMan Stingray 4 string bass and a Trace Elliott 30 W amp. I don't use any pedals although I have a sansamp programmable bass driver back home in india which i will bring down on my next visit.

Initially, my bass sounded brilliant, with the mids cutting through incisively, giving me that wonderful shiny "twang" that i look for as a bassist interested mostly in groove/funk rock.

However, of late, the tone has become a lot more "low end" and thick, and no amount of tweaking the knobs on the bass or the amp seems to resolve this.

Now, this may or may not be the problem, but I noticed that the humbucker seems to have lowered into the bass a bit !!! Could this be the reason for the change in tone ?

Most importantly, whatever the problem is, I would want to get it fixed asap. So, if it IS a pickup problem, what solutions do you guys suggest ?

a) get the pick up raised
b) change the pick up altogether (in which case, please recommend alternatives which are available in Singapore)

Lastly, Where can I take my bass to be repaired in Singapore ?

Cheers and thanks in advance !
for one it could be a problem with the strings dulling. this is due to corrosion from the sweat from your hands due to extended play. you never know what kind of crap the stock strings are. you can use a string lube/cleaner to fix it, don't underestimate the difference it makes

the pickup problem is relatively simple to fix yourself, if you need to raise the pickup, for the MM there are 2 screws on pickup, diagonally opposite of each other . if you unscrew it a little the pickup will be raised. i ever read someone here say that higer = louder, lower = more headroom, too high = muddy. so with a little bit of effort you might be able to find the sweet spot, save the trouble of getting it fixed. maybe you could try this before sending it to the shop :D
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yup. never underestimate deadening strings. i have to give my strings the stringlife treatment almost every time i play. except on those day that i feel like playing reggae
Trace Elliot 30W has a very muddy midddy tone which does not give a very distinct tone for slap or funk. If you have a chance, try a diff amp.
Try changing the strings...

I experienced the same problem as you some time back.Noticed that anything I played sounded dead on my bass.Like as if the treble was missing.I played with the amp EQ and all,but it didn't help at all.Thought it couldn't be my strings as they still looked good,but I was wrong.
Hey guys,

I got problem with my bass also and i dun wan to start another tread.
My e string of my bass seems much2 louder than the rest of my string how come uh?
Is it becoz of the pickup? Or what?
When i hits the low e string its very loud but when i play the higher string is soft.

Cliff em all, i got the same problem. I tried to play around with my EQ but nothing helps, really need some help here. anyone?
that's most probably due to the physical limitations of the bass, so its normal. I'M JUST GUESSING, but it could either be that heavier strings vibrate at a greater amplitude, or that heavier strings cause a greater magnetic interference with the pickups.

if you notice, for all ibanez split single coil pups (p style pups), the d and g string pup is closer to the neck than the e and b string pup (on a fender p bass it is opposite). this is because they tried to compensate for the lack of boominess

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assuming u didnt mess with anything else.. then chances are that it's your strings,
changing ur strings at this point seems the most economical trouble-shooting technique
if it doesnt work? well.. ermm.. ur strings needs to be changed at some point anyway..
how long has it been since u bought it that it became like this? both in terms of time, and in terms of playing hours... i only wear out my strings in about 6months, but i know ppl who need to change strings as often as every month! anyhow, i'm using some sort of a wd-40 spray on my strings, and it works wonders! cheap as well =P only problem is the smell... the dude that recommended it to me said that i could easily double my string's life span =]

but since u mentioned that you notice that ur pups are a tad lower, maybe u should rise it back up? and while you're at it, u could just find the right height that suits your tonal preference =]
Thank you all for your valuable advice ! :)

will change my strings and check....and will raise the pick up as well, although do you think it's more advisable to let someone else do this, in case i mess it up ?
raising pickups should be quite harmless as it can be lowered back if its too muddy. unlike adjusting a truss rod, which can damage the neck if not done properly