Help: Dimarzio H-S-H Wiring


New member
Hi Guys,

I have been trying to solder a set of dimarzio pickups for almost 1 whole day, but i still could not get the thing to work! Argh!

I have been surfing the net for wiring diagrams but none of them work like a standard 5way switch H-S-H. The usual Ibanez pickup configuration.

Some diagrams i tried are: WDU-HSH5L11-01

But they cant work. I do not have any knowledge on how electornics work, only know how to follow pictures. 1 of the problem i face is the Single coil Dimarzio, because Dimarzio pickups come with 5 wires, Red, Black, White, Green and Bare. I cant understand how they wire the middle pick-up as shown in the diagrams above.

Someone please enlighten me on how to go about it, where does all these wires actually go to. I just need a normal 5 position configuration/

Hi Bro, you only have problem with the middle pup? Stock humbuckers pups comes with 3 wires. SD, Dimarzio etc comes with 5 wires for more options like coil splitting, series/parallel... You can follow this Make sure that you wire to the correct position on the 5 way switch. If you are not sure, just follow back the way the stock pups are wired.
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Hi RyanZ, problem as in i do not know which wire to replace which on the stock pickup. I tried the 1 you posted too, but dimarzio has 5wires, thus i do not know which is actually replacing the black and red of the single coil as shown in the picture.
If it's an ibanez 5 way switch you have, neither of your 2 diagrams would work. The 2nd diagram is for a stewmac megaswitch which is definitely not the one for your guitar. The first diagram from Guitar electronics is a traditional strat CRL switch.

You'll need to post a photo of what you've done so I can help. If not its a guessing game. wonder both of them doesnt work.

yup mine is a standard ibanez 5 way switch.

This is what i last did, for now i have unsolder everything.


Thank You! =)