Hartke & City Music presents...


New member
Hartke and City Music presents...is an interactive bass workshop where the partcipants will bring their own basses. Price and place will be announced soon. Watch this space!
Hartke Presents Bass Goes To Campus @Chapter 6 Studio

Hi all,
With the support from City Music and Chapter 6 Studio, Bass Goes To Campus will be having an interactive bass workshop on FRIDAY, November 20th 1800hrs. Participants,please bring along your bass AND YOUR SUPER LONG CABLE (not provided). All of you will be plugged into the PA system. Thats the reason for the long cable. Places are limited to 8 seats only...Serious! Will fix another workshop if the response is good. This monthly workshop will be of a different topic each month. So for this one, THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING SCALES. Participants are to pay personally in advance of $20 in order to reserve your seats. Sms (prefered) to 94990929 for arrangement. Thanks for your time and support.