Guitarist&singer open for impro/composition: indie, experimental, ambient, noise


New member
Hi mates!

I'm a 29 y/o guitarist from Italy, recently moved in SG. I would like to find someone with music taste/approach similar to mine to play together and create crazy shit. I love any kind of music genre and I like to play by improvisation. I am not a "scholar" musician, I mostly play by ear and instinct and I try to take a bit of every genre and do experiments while I play. Some music I like very much:

Neil Young, Radiohead, Fugazi, Jon Hopkins, Unwound, Motorpsycho, Jon Hassell, Paul Desmond, Miles Davis, The Feelies, Kurt Vile, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Popul Vuh, Built to Spill, Stars of the Lid, Hash Jar Tempo, Roy Montgomery, Terry Riley, Boards of Canada, My Bloody Valentine etc

I play classic&electric guitar, harmonica, duduk and a bit of didgeridoo. Let me know if you want to play together, folks!

P.S.: I hate cover band/cover music so please do not propose me that kind of stuff, thanks!

Re: Guitarist&singer open for impro/composition: indie, experimental, ambient, noise

Hi Bruno. Me and a bassist of mine are looking for a guitarist just like you. No covers. We make our own music. My fav artists ranges from sonic youth (pre-90's), Autolux, well most shoe gaze bands like This is Interpol to the NO Wave scene of the 70's to even John Coltrane or to a better extend Simon & Garfunkel.
We surely do want to make new and exciting originals my contacts are here below..pls do drop me a text/WhatsApp 84330948
Or email me at
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards
Huzaifah Abu Bakar
Re: Guitarist&singer open for impro/composition: indie, experimental, ambient, noise

I’m a guitarist. Looking to colab for songwriting and original composition. WhatsApp me on 8380 739zero