Guitarist looking for Progressive Metalcore band.


New member
I'm looking for a progressive metalcore band where I can play guitar in and contribute songwriting-wise. Currently in a similar band but we are on indefinite hiatus.

Experienced with using software like Guitar Pro, DAWs and various plugins.

I usually use a 7 string. Familiar with tunings like Drop G#/A# as well as certain variations (open drop tunings). Don't mind playing tunings that are higher or lower. Prefer to play a mix of both rhythm and lead.

Looking for people who enjoy making music but also take their craft seriously. I want to play gigs and release music.

Influenced by bands like Monuments, Erra, Architects, Northlane etc. But more importantly, I value originality and creating a signature sound.

I'm also a composer @theconceptcomposer on Soundcloud/Instagram.

DM me if interested. I'll give you my number from there.