Guitarist gripes (not to be taken seriously !)


New member
Ok, so humour this bassist here and list out things that guitarists you've played with or watched, that annoy the life out of you !! :x

1. What is it with guitarists and their obsession with gain ???? someone please teach them that full gain does NOT equal "more metchul !"

2. They're NEVER happy with their volumes on stage "I can't hear my guitars...more, more, MORE !" Meanwhile, the bassist, as usual, gets short-ended during soundcheck and gets drowned out in the PA :p

3. Complete ignorance of this little knob that exists between bass and treble called "MIDS" !!!

4. Cost of guitarist's equipment > Cost of all the other band members' equipment (and he still can't get a decent tone :p )

5. Rack mounts, pedals, processors, fixing floyd roses = 20 times more soundchecking time than the rest of the band !

6. In between songs, this compulsive need to practice all your licks, sweeps and arpeggios. Be professional, SHUT UP until the next song starts !!!

whew ! Rant over :p

(guitarists, please take this with a pinch of salt. I love you guys and can't play music without you, but damn, you can be annoying :p )

Other musicians, rant away !
qns 1 : I find it easier to play with more gain ( its just me ) but lesser gain for me if im playing a song with requires less gain. So ans is FALSE

qns 2 : YES this i find very true not only on stage but in jamming studios. Most of the time it is the drums with drowns everything.

qns 3: THIS is TOTALLY FALSE !! :eek: I think every guitarist would use the middle knob , its important

qns 4: Yeah well , this ones true . I have no idea why lol . My rig is at least 1k so , yeah lol.

qns 5: Yes cause during solos , you dont want the guitar to sound like crap and yes its true .

qns 6: I have never experienced this ever lol . But it Might happen once in a while again also because he/she does not wanna screw up the lick during the song.

Just my thoughts , cheers :D

I have had a fair share of playing bass and guitar and this is true!

A guitar has more of the "i can hear" and the bass "i can feel" guess who gets annoying ?!! :lol:

My bass man of 'many years'... for the fact that we have learnt to complement each other for the love of music making. :wink:
I never practiced licks between songs before.I usually do it off stage. Just a certain knack to not let loose a certain solo before playing the song,no?

overall,yeah most guitarist are always complaining of not getting the tone even when they got all the gear needed for decent guitar playing. FACE IT! use your fingers and ears not your gears.

all in all,that was pretty funny!
1) Different people have different views on what sounds good and what doesn't...
2) People used to say that i set my volume too loud at gigs. Then when i lowered the volume by abit at other gigs they say too soft. And now i can't give a shit.
3) Um. I use my mid.
4) Cause my bassist doesn't use/have any efx and drummer just has sticks.
5) Once again, my bassist doesn't use/have any efx and drummer just has sticks. And sometimes i'm too lazy to bring my pedalboard out so i just dump my pedals into my bag and the settings get screwed.
6) Um. I don't do that so i dunno.
it could be just me but my solo turned out to be extremely sloppy when gain is turned up, mainly because i have really mediocore muting skills for fretting hand.

i kind of agree with point 2, but i think it doesnt just guitarist as well, any other roles also haha we compete for loudness soemtimes

3rd point is the most inaccurate to me, im most sensitive to mids and mids is normally the highest in my setting

4th point is not possible for me, even i have spend quite a sum on equiqment

i dont dig into racks and pedal, my old yamaha mfx works perfertly for me hehe

erm i nvr do that
well i guess it really depends:

for guitarists who just started they most probably play some kind of rock, and gain makes them feel empowered and they feel that everyone gotta hear them on stage. they probably have little concept of tone also, but they are just beginners, no one should fault them. =)

as for myself i've played bass and guitar semi-professionally for a while, and I can safely say it really boils down to how professional the individual musicians are. Most guitarists i've performed with are pretty mature and only play what the song needs them to contribute, but i do have my share of annoying guitarists that thinks that the band is there to support them with their guitars drowning everyone out, on top of another layer of redundant effects like badly timed delays and an extremely sloppy playing to top it off - those are the worst.

I guess the important thing every band-playing musician must realize, be it a 7 string virtuoso or a rake-board player, is that at the end of the day contributing or harmonizing with the overall sound of the band is the most important.

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