Guitarist Available


New member
I'm Brendon.

Past Experiences:
- Electric Guitarist for Postcards from Home (Esplanade Concourse, Broadway Genre) for Cheeyang(Ex-Campus Superstar)
- Lead Guitarist of King Julian
- Founder of Music Junkie Productions
- Lead Guitarist of Rock Avenue
- Lead Guitarist of F.O.C(Full of Crap),Stardust 2011 Semi-finalist.
- Session Guitarist for Sussannah Lau(Esplanade & Scape Warehouse), Kristina Jani(House of Rock)
- And many more other performances not listed.

I've played around with a wide variety of genres for close to 9 years. I'm a lead guitarist and I do have a liking for the acoustic side of things as well.

I play anything EXCEPT Metal/Hardcore/Whatever-core. (Those days are way over especially at my age.) I do play rock too. (Whitesnake, AC/DC/Guns n Roses/Europe/Skid Row) but I'm more into POP for now.


Message me on facebook/brenkoh if we share the same musical frequencies.
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