Guitar Strings: What, How and Where


New member
Strings ive used before

Darco by Martin(whenever im broke)
Gauge: .12, .13
recently: Yamaha(gauge0.12)
before playing i would use dunlop's string conditioner

im still struggling to find the perfect strings

looking for:
strings that's rlly smooth and has alot lesser friction than the ones i mention above
Eveness of string tone(when i do a full strum, the 1E compliments with 6E string rlly well instead of overpowering it)
the string's lifespan(i play the guitar quite a number of times each week, strings that can last min. 2.1/2mths)

i apologize for sounding so ...."fill the blanks"
i just havent find the perfect set of strings yet :((

can sm1 recmd. me where i can get individual strings,
smwhere which has a decent variety of strings to choose from?

i would like buy strings for my friends who are still quite new to guitar
i was wondering where can i get good value for sets of strings in pack of 6-10?
(not talking abt massive savings but some decent savings at least?)

peace :)
thanks for reading
thanks for sharing your experience with other strings :)
I don't think there is a perfect set of strings, but they all have their merits and they may sound different on different guitars, age of the guitar etc. You just gotta experiment with the different brands out there.

Also try to avoid changing individual strings; you should always change the entire set. Don't buy strings in bulk, they have a shelf-life. Better to get them from the shops when you need them, that way you ensure their 'freshness'.

If you want your strings to have that 'smooth' feeling, smear a little olive oil on your fretboard, just a little. Good for the wood and strings. Don't waste money buying products to clean the strings. I've never tried using other forms of cooking oil before, so I have no opinion on what happens if you use corn/peanut cooking oil.
I like Ernie Ball strings for both electric and acoustic. D'addarios are almost as good but they seem to make more noise and produce more friction when running my fingers along the strings.

Dean Markleys... didn't quite like the feel and tone. Tried Everlys for electric and they're brilliant, but expensive and also a bit harder to obtain. GHS... forgetaboutit. Pack after pack, they came pre-rusted (quite badly, too) and ready to snap. I snapped a lot of GHS strings and it's not a problem with my playing or my guitar because I didn't have the same issue with strings from other brands. And only the electric strings sounded good, really didn't like the sound from their acoustic strings. I'm very surprised at how many chances I gave them but of all the packs I've tried, none were even satisfactory.

So yeah, just relating my experiences with several string brands I've tried along my musical journey. Should add that it's a very personal thing, so perhaps my experiences may differ from others.
DR strings get my vote (I'm assuming this is a general string thread where electric strings can be discussed haha). To my ears, they trump other strings in two areas: evenness in tone/string volume and lifespan. When I used DR strings, I was clocking in at least 2 hours per day of practice, and they last me between 3-4 months.
GHS strings indeed come rusted even though they are factory-sealed. No longer using them.

I am trying out Curt Mangan (from Guitar77) for a week so far.
I like their tone and feel for fingerstyle. Value for money at S$8.

You can try DR Dragonskin (Davis Guitar). S$12.
Coated yet feel better than uncoated strings. Sounds articulate than DR Rare.

Newtone Masterclass and John Pearse strings sound and feel great too.
You may purchase here -

I sometimes buy strings in bulk from with shipping of US$10.
Still cheaper for certain brands compared to local purchase.

Strings can hardly last 2.5 months if you play everyday, and fussy about tone.
Perhaps 2-4 weeks on average.
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How did you buy the strings from I tried buying 5 packs of Ernie Ball strings and they wouldn't ship it. Did you send it to your Vpost?
I registered an account, tried placing my order and this is what the screen says at the Checkout part:

We are sorry, but we cannot ship the following merchandise to Singapore:


Please either remove any prohibited items from the cart, or change the shipping address to an address in the U.S.A.

What gives?!
An Update. I wrote to about shipping and this is what they said:

"...Thank you for your inquiry! Unfortunately, Ernie Ball has a restriction that their U.S. vendors cannot ship their products outside the United States.

All of the following manufacturers do not permit us to sell their new products to customers outside the United States:

Audio Technica
Elixir Strings
Ernie Ball
Radial Engineering
Sadowsky (all products)

Also: Fender companies we do not carry now like Charvel, Jackson, Rodriguez, etc.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are no longer a Gibson dealer.

If you find merchandise made by any of these manufacturers used on our website, we can ship any used item (except used amplifiers).

If you have a location within the United States where you can have this package shipped, we are still happy to sell you Ernie Ball strings. Strings are usually not very expensive to ship. Our least expensive service is called IPA (international priority airmail). Packages weighing up to 3 pounds ship at a flat rate of $10 by IPA. Estimated delivery is 2-6 weeks. All other shipping options and their prices based on your location will be listed for you to choose from when ordering on our website...."

Have you tried with Davis ? I heard that Davis sell D'addario string in packs. I'm not sure about others though.