Guess who's back?


New member
Ok first and foremost, I really truly apologise for going MIA out of a sudden. Things went all aboard and it was too overwhelming. Didn't have time for anything else really.

Music wise, i've been pretty much MIA too since i started school and knowing that SAC closed down. ;(

My dreams of recording my songs is still hanging in the air. I might be setting up my own bak choi recording studio at home. I've only written about 3 songs lately and i'm sieving out those better ones to collate for my EP.


HOW IS EVERYONE?! I feel so bad for MIAing without reason... :(

Do you forgive me?
no i dont.

wanna be loved..
love that's gonna bring me far,
no matter how you far you are..

i love your song. :F
she's a big, big girl.
In a big, big world.
It's not a big, big thing.
If U leave her.

But she does does feel
when fgl's away
she miss me much
miss me much


how do she live without you
i want to know
who the hell she will choose
i hope not me
how do she ever ever survie?
fgl or KhaiHan will be .....
who she would choose~~~~

and i dont want to~~~oooo .....know~~~````<<<

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