Giving Away Stuff for Free (Part2) - CDs


New member
Hi, due to good interest the last time I was giving away music mags, now I'm giving away a bunch of music CDs and singles, mostly alternative stuff, too many to list here plus i'm lazy to go through all so will be packing them into bags to give away. Consider like those tikam-tikam bags, see what you get la..... I'm sure there's some really good stuff, if not you can always expand your musical ears by trying out other bands and all that for free!

Nothing dodgy, am just clearing space in my storeroom and rather than give it karang guni, might as well give to people who are more musically inclined...

Same drill, PM me with your contact numbers! Collection either boat quay/city hall area during weekdays working hours or tiong bahru at night, Cheers!
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Hi, i still have 1 more bag cos only a few guys turn up that day, so whoever still interested, pls PM me, collection at city hall area during day and tiong bahru at night, thanks!
That's it! All gone! Hope u guys have a great time checking out some new tunes. Mods please help close this thread, thanks!