gigs anyone?


New member
Hi fellow softies,

Any talented bands want to perform at gigs? We will be doing a series of gigs starting from these February 2006.

Our main objective is to promote ourselves and local band scenes. We are looking for any kind of band to perform as we will go by different genre every gig. For those who are interested in participating, please submit your band details to Please send us your demo if you have one.

Band details:
Band Names
Email Address
Contact Numbers

Thanks all!
what's your name and what organization are you working with/for (if any)? where will this series of gigs be held? how will the gigs be financed (meaning how will you get money to rent equipment/venues and so on)?

Wanna perform at gigs? Let’s make it happen!

Bands Rumble is a multi- genre gig. It will be held every week starting from February 2006. Every band will be given 25mins- sound check, band swapping, performed. The purpose I’m organizing this gigs is to promote the official venue, Gashaus, a newly opened café bar and for local music scenes. Please take note that there won’t be any payment given.

Due to lack of funds because of their recent start- up, we have to sell tickets at $8/- inclusive of a soft drink to cover the equipments rental fees, advertising etc. But we are not forcing the participating bands to sell fixed number of tickets.

So if you think you are catergorised in this following genre, please email to by 8th Jan 2006. Please include your band details, name, contact number, email add, website.

1) 4th Feb: Rock- Alternative, Pop, Progressive, Modern
2) 11th Feb: Metal- Heavy, Death, Black, Melodic, Gothic
3) 18th Feb: Punk- Emocore, Hardcore
4) 25th Feb: Funk- Funk & Indie Rock, Ska, Grunge

Since there is overwhelming response for certain genre, we might be having audition.

Thanks all for viewing
HeartRockSingapore said:
Serial is now a pro...

amen. :)

Randolph (from the embryo) and myself (in Divine9 from Australia) played at the Gashaus venue on its opening, it is a big, loungy space, but there were some logistical problems encountered (teething problems in the setup). We were both given ample time to prepare and were paid in full and in timely fashion. So kudos to Gashaus

Asside from that. Small complaint: so the bands are not going to be paid yet cover is still going to be charged? Will there be some incentive for the bands to play other than sheer exposure?

According to your other thread, the bands that belong to a label will get paid, but not independent bands? Why so?

I hope this gets addressed before this thread spirals into a big flame fest
For sake of convienience, this is your other post:

"Wanna perform at gigs? Let’s make it happen!

Bands Rumble is a multi- genre gig. It will be held every week starting from February 2006. Every band will be given 25mins- sound check, band swapping, performed.

The purpose I’m organizing this gigs is to promote the official venue, Gashaus, a newly opened café bar and for local music scenes. There won’t be any payment given unless for label artiste.

Due to lack of funds because of their recent start- up, we have to sell tickets at $8/- inclusive of a soft drink to cover the equipments rental fees, advertising etc. But we are not forcing the participating bands to sell fixed number of tickets.

So if you think you are catergorised in this following genre, please email to by 8th Jan 2006.

1) 4th Feb: Rock- Alternative, Pop, Progressive, Modern
2) 11th Feb: Metal- Heavy, Death, Black, Melodic, Gothic
3) 18th Feb: Punk- Emocore, Hardcore
4) 25th Feb: Funk- Funk & Indie Rock, Ska, Grunge

Since there is overwhelming response for certain genre, we might have an audition.

Thanks all for viewing!"

Sorry Soft for adding mutiple thread.

Thanks Saito, about the covercharge, it will be used to pay GasHaus,equipment fees and sorts. As for the incentives, i will try to reduce the covercharge fee or something else but no promises.

Regarding the label artistes, i think we don't have enough in our budget to pay them yet.So, i would edit that thread and it's only open for independant bands.

I think it's up to individuals to accept this offer. We do have covercharge but we are not sure what the turnout would be like.

Man, i already emailed you and everything and still no reply-

when can we expect to know MORE about the specific dates etc.
dude.... ive also send my band profile but still no reply man.... i'd like to noe what happen next...will there be an audition for the punk,emo and hardcore slots?
hihi.... this is ian from Flybar here. I've also emailed you but havent gotten a reply. Had our 1st gig at phunk bar the past saturday and wer'e still dying for more exposure. Wonder if you could reply us? thru email? it would reallie be appreciated man. Thx.

Hi guys,

Sorry for the late reply, there will be a free audition this coming wednesday, 18th January from 4-8pm at fourtones jamming studio.

I will email the concerned bands for the details and for those who have not email me their band details, please do so by this 14th january. So we can allocate a timing slot for you.

For fourtones address, please visit this link:

Thanks again.

I'd emailed those who sent me their band details. Appreciate that alot.

For those who have not received, please check your inbox again. If not, just wait for my sms. Save time and hassle but my bill will cost a bomb. :x

As for the audition, I might change the date to saturday cos there are few requests.I will re-confirm again asap.

So guys, please be patient and i will contact you by sunday morning. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
ink-creation:-As for the audition, I might change the date to saturday cos there are few requests.I will re-confirm again asap.

Yap changing it to saturday will be really great..hope it will be on a saturday!!

Thanks ^_^

Hi guys,

Thanks for the reply.

The audition has already been postponed to Saturday, 21st January, 2-6pm. Thanks to Nash from fourtones.

To those who are interested in participating, please turn up for the audition and send in your band details by monday,16th January; band name, atleast TWO band member name and contact no and email address.

I will allocate the timeslot and send to you guys by next week via sms. No request of timeslot.

