gibson les paul experts


New member
hey all!
are there anyone out there that knows much about the different eras of les pauls?
like say the recent les pauls mostly have bad QC and stuff.
how about the 80s and 90s les paul!
share ur knowledge!
go to the lespaul forum and there are loads of threads discussing this topic.

generally experts dun rate the 'norlin' era of the 1970s.

The mid 80s - mid 90s get the rave reviews.

the later 2000 series with chambered body are a hit and miss but most purist dun fancy too many holes drilled into the body for weight relief.

most prefer a full solid body for that traditional les paul tone. although it might cause back strains for the gigging guitarist.
Google it. Lots of this info on the internet. Writer got the general gist of it.

As for talk/hearsay about the current poor QC and stuff, take people's words here with a pinch of salt. Most anti-Gibson comments come from personal bad experiences, brand biasness or simply parroting what others had said. Certainly not a general nor universal representation. Best is to physically test some Gibsons out yourself, and make your own judgement and conclusions.
Of course for any brand for that matter, the earlier productions are always better.... As time goes by every brand will have their quality decline....

Most of the Les Paul fanatics now, prefer the Reissue or Custom Historic Les Pauls as they are the closest you can get to the real deal. The bodies are not chambered and feature long tenon necks. But honestly the newer Les Paul's standards are still the best you can get for a Les Paul tone. No doubt the QC isn't as good as what it used to be and it's really $$$$ but don't rely on hear-say and go test out as many Les Paul's you can get your hands on and feel it for yourself.

The 1950's to 60's Les Pauls are the holy grail but we haven't played it before so people think that just because we heard the greats play it means that's how it should sound? For all you know, a Les Paul standard at Swee Lee might sound as good. It's all just hear-say for one of the greatest 6 string guitars ever made.
i like the traditional.
cos they dont have the weird quick connect stuff in the standard.
plus the traditional comes with '57 classics.

both standard and traditional have the plek setup anyway.

this is what the new standard cavity looks like.
heh, quik connector and pcb, that board prolly save them time and cost overall. Its more econmical from production pov. Definitely fasten the process of wiring individual pots.

Whats interesting is the pot. Wonder if its their own propriety pot.
heh, quik connector and pcb, that board prolly save them time and cost overall. Its more econmical from production pov. Definitely fasten the process of wiring individual pots.

Whats interesting is the pot. Wonder if its their own propriety pot. should be cheaper ?!!
not exactly bad qc.compared to others they are still considered not bad.there are bound to be some bad pieces. the 80s and 90s pieces could be better maybe cos the bad one have been eliminated and taken out from the guitar market, so what u see are the good ones.

les pauls have also gone from solid body, to swiss cheese type with 9-holes for weight-relief to the current chambered.the les paul standard and classic that we used to know them as have been discontinued by gibson.or maybe just renamed as les paul traditional and the 2008 les paul standard.but these are still based on the same old stuff, with chambered body and a few improvements to suit the modern les paul player's needs.

for the specs, they have all the while been almost the same.except for the flame tops you get now and the plain tops that were now history.the knobs are also different.theres a circuit board now.the shape of the neck is different also have neutrik jacks and locking tuners as well.
the pots are custom made gold pots for Gibson(or so they claim) by this company called Bournes (I THINK) cant really remember, but the new neck is pretty cool. from what ive read its better for people accustomed to the strat style scale who are gonna switch to an LP.
seems to me that gibson has been cutting quality and costs. personally i dont dig that whole quick assembly thing and gibson's losing my respect. that's my opinion. not that my respect means a shit to anybody at gibson : /