FS : Pure Sixty Four Nytro 2 50 Watt Head & 112 Oversized Cabinet SGD 5000 shipped


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FS : Pure Sixty Four Nytro 2 50 Watt Head & 112 Oversized Cabinet SGD 5000 shipped

This is a great boutique amp, that can go from blackface fender, superlead marshall to dumble sound, all in one package. This is a swiss army knife amp. New price of this amp is around $3600 USD for the head and $600 for the cab, I'm selling this used but in mint condition amp at SGD 5000 shipped using express delivery (2-3 days in delivery).

I'm located in Jakarta, Indonesia., I have sold a number of guitars to a store in singapore, and can give reference if needed.

Text / whatsapp me +6281510066613

Here's a little demo I make on the clean channel, guitar straight to amp using iphone camera.
