From bass drum practice pad to real bass drum

Mr. Mouse

New member
Does anyone have trouble transferring over chops you've built from the pad to the real drum? I am unable to play the faster stuff on the pad, but I can on the real bass drum. I don't feel very comfortable on the practice pad too.

Does practicing on the pad really help? Any pads out there that you guys used that actually helped you?

Some additional info: I feel much more comfortable playing with shoes on.
pad and bass drum is different because... one is pad and one is bass drum! i mean really haha, it just the same thing with practice pad and snare drum.. u can learn on the pad.. just that when using on the bass drum need to adjust accordingly the difference..

shoes, feet socks are personal.. just try around and find whats comfortable.. most professional uses shoes and its less fatigue.
Maybe it's because a real bass drum has the unique rebound and a pad doesn't? As far as I know, the manufacturers try as much as possible to imitate a real snare or a bass drum onto the practice pads. But of course, it's almost impossible. So maybe that's why it's different. And yeah, I experience differences too. Haha =)
Does anyone have trouble transferring over chops you've built from the pad to the real drum? I am unable to play the faster stuff on the pad, but I can on the real bass drum. I don't feel very comfortable on the practice pad too.

Does practicing on the pad really help? Any pads out there that you guys used that actually helped you?

Some additional info: I feel much more comfortable playing with shoes on.

for me i feel that its the extra effort that you put in to practice on the pad that gives you the ability to pull off the same thing on a actual kick drum. it becomes easier for you so regardless of the so called discomfort.maybe you should keep going at it. it works for me. it's like practicing with heavier sticks than what you usually play with.
I think just like hands....try to practice on difference surfaces as much as possible...that way, your foot will be able to react better according to different bass drum sizes, tension etc....
well I actually play more faster on the "real" drum rather than the pads one...and yup more practice can work for u...
Hmm. But if you can play normally (on a pad) like you do on a real bass drum, I guess it's an advantage. I'm not having much problems playing on a pad.

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