For Sale: 5 Good Guitars


New member
1) Made in America '83 Fender Stratocaster ($1000)
2) Made in America '80 Dean ML ($1000)
3) Made in Sweden '71 Hagstrom H2N ($600)

These 3 guitars are the real thing from the year and country of production as stated above and not reissues. You can't find them in Bras Basah.

Cosmetic Condition: Not mint but naturally aged and yellowed unlike those crap "closet copies".

Tone: All three easily beat most guitars retailing between $1500-$2000. In general, they come from a time when Man built better guitars.

ACOUSTIC4) 2006 Martin OMJM ($3000)
5) 2011 Martin OM1 with AER 15 ( Newer guitars are harder to sell here so make me an offer )

All guitars come in their original hard shell cases.

To be honest, apart from the Martin OM1, I got the rest used at very good deals, utilised them well for years and I have not much use for them anymore. Therefore, I am not expecting a lot from this sale and the prices above are simply indicative. If you are interested, make an honest offer and come test drive the guitar you'd like. These guitars are fine sounding instruments and I guarantee a good deal. Sms or whatsapp me at 90082412 for more details and pics.