
New member
HI everyone,

Singapore band and winners of the World battle of the Bands 2006 have finally completed recording their album in Snakeweed Acoustic Labs with local producer Leonard Soosay.

We have started a lineup of gigs so please do come down at support us.

We are playing at the National University of Singapore's forum at 12-1pm on 31st October 2007.

For more details do visit

Haha, NUS eh. I will definitely be down to catch u guys. Probably grab some of my friends down to watch the performance too.
hello hello, just to add on to what has already been said, flybar will be playing as part of the annual Eusoff Hall Bazaar. There will also be bands playing on tuesday and thursday from about 12 to 2.

fellow NUS-sians may drop by during lunch break for a good time! do also check out e milo van ;)
Yeah i just heard your album preview! real catchy stuff! i think i'll be going down to NUS catch you guys for the 1st time. btw is that a tenor saxophone i hear on the track unforgiven? u guys play tt?
Hi guys! Great that you all remained so cool despite the sound screwing up! The Promo CD sounds great. Will grab a copy when ure CD is out! good luck for your show tonight
Its no ones fault really! :) the amp went all faulty during the set, i think the sound people were already trying their best to save us and deserve alot of credit! Thanks for coming to watch us!
evangeline: on the track "unforgiven", we actually invited our friend leonardo mendoza to record
the solo for us. he was using an alto. his a very accomplished player and plays at harrys on mondays with his latin band, go catch him if u can.

meanwhile the band does have both an alto and a tenor player, but we are not as good as leonardo of course ahah that guys a really great player. hope u like the track though.