Firewire Solo Playback Loop problem


New member
I just transfered my recording setup from my laptop to a new PC and am having problems with my Firewire Solo soundcard.

Previously whilst recording my bass on my laptop, the signal appeared only on the INPUT of the Solo control panel. During playback, the signal appeared only on the RETURN channel. Thus I had no doubling Playback Loop problem, with the INPUT and RETURN enabled.

NOTE: I had to use an external charger then for the Solo as my laptop's the firewire pin was small and could not support charging the Solo.

On my new PC setup, when I record the signal appeared on the INPUT and RETURN of the Solo control panel, with the INPUT and RETURN enabled. This led to a Playback Loop problem, where I hear a delayed doubling effect on my playing.

I disabled the RETURN and could record my bass without the doubling effect, but then when playing back my recording, I had to enable the RETURN to hear my playback.

Does anyone know how I can leave both INPUT and RETURN enabled without the signal appearing on RETURN during recording?

let me rephrase the situation so to make sure i'm on the right track cos I've never used maudio and I've vaguely read the m audio firewire solo manual on googledocs, 4pin and 6pin firewire, 4pin doesn't support "bus power" , 6pin does. buspower = powering up via the firewire alone.

(on your laptop)
when you record, it is normal to have only input (recording) , and playback = return.

(on your pc)
when you record, the "input" is playing is coming from your bass, the return is most likely also playing back (supposed to have 0 input) the same thing, and usually with a "latency" a.k.a that doubling sound.

so now to record and play back you have to first disable RETURN, record INPUT, then later to playback, you have to enable RETURN, which is lame.

first of all to help out with the troubleshoot, what DAW are you using ? cubase?

because the general practice is to first plug in everything right, then configure your DAW to your audio interface , then assign the inputs (your bass in this instance) to RECORDING channels/tracks. and usually ppl wanna "hear what they're playing as they're plugged in, a.k.a MONITOR " then record away. to apply that in your context is , your "Input" monitoring SHOULD be disabled from your m audio control panel. , but enable the monitoring THROUGH your DAW (if you're lost here, try to catch up and read slowly) instead.

so it'll look like this :
Bass > 1/4"jack > maudio firewiresolo > firewire cable > PC > maudio drivers+Control panel > DAW? > DAW MONITORS INPUT #1 (your bass)> PLAYS IT OUT THROUGH "Return" > your pc speakers.

for a general reference pls check out

so I'll also be right to say your RETURN is your master playback output right? so monitor through your DAW instead of your m audio firewire control panel. sorry if it's confusing but I tried heheh

You mentioned a new PC. Are you using Windows 7? If so, do note that M-audio is extremely slow in developing their W7 drivers. Everybody is complaining about it. My Midisport 1x1 is sitting around collecting dust as a result.
Kongwee, you may be right. It seems firewire solo may be on of those very few M-audio products that's Win7 compatible.
I'm guessing this could be a "input monitoring" problem.

- Bass is being monitored through the control panel while you are playing and is routed to your outputs 1+2.

- The audio track in your DAW is "Record enabled" or "armed" and is also routed to your outputs 1+2.

This results in doubling and lots of people assume it's latency which is not.

I'm guessing there must be a feature in Maudio's control panel to turn off input monitoring thus eliminating the undesirable doubling effect.

Good luck.
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