Female vocalist wanted! Be in your own mtv!

ian keller

New member
IF you like to sing, do cover songs, have dreams of being in your very own MTV and having your own singing recorded professionally in a home studio, look no further! We're a 2 man band/team specializing in vocal and music recording, along with home studio HD video recording (yep!). After which we'll give your video that MTV/hollywood look like what you see on TV. If you've got the passion, we'll go all the way to help you out at no costs. Its after all your personal project and your passion to sing! Also, it provide us with more experience and exposures to try our skill set at music + video editing. After which we'll post it up on youtube as a starting platform for you. Of course, the last part is up to you if you are comfortable with it. Hear from you soon!

Don't worry,we're friendly and we love to work with aspiring singers. Together, we'll help each other out in our primary passion: music!