fantastic four rise of silver surfer- post movie thoughts

it's an overall a great movie.. out of 10, i'd give it an 8/10.. the two goes to the movie being quite fake and the part where galactus was in some form of cosmic cloud, i was expecting it to be in a humanoid form! pfftt
It sucks like the 1st one... but I still pay $9.50 to catch Jessica Alba in tights.

I'm not a fan of FF and Tim Story is an incredibly boring director. What's up with the film stock? Still looks very grainy and the colours are damn washed out. And The Thing. What happened to the extra folley sounds like in the 1st one? The little rocks crunching sounds when he walks... Screw the eyebrows I say...

I will still pay $9.50 to catch Jessica Alba in tights... but this one, she's so blonde that she's scary. :oops:
7.5/10 for me. Overall it was good although i thought the movie should be longer. Dr doom got the surfboard and was defeated so quickly? SilverSurfer is damn cool lah! And he didnt die!!! :twisted:
If y'all watched the cartoon or read the comics of silver surfer or Fantastic four when you were a kid, or a teenager(still thinking you were a kid)... The/ show's kind of the same. But hell, there's jessica alba. Go watch!
does it even maintain the same storyline as the original comic series?

and isnt the surfer supposed to look lkie hes wearing underwear? like on satch's album cover
i just came back from it. it was an 'okay' movie. had more fun watching shrek 3 lol. hah. but alba's still hot.
Jessica Alba had to be blonde because, well....Sue Storm is blonde.

In any case, yeah...disappointing that Galactus is like a cloud. He's supposed to be humanoid, or at least in humanoid form. If they do a Transformers sequel and it features Unicron, it had also better be in humanoid form!
Bro edder bro, if there's blonde (which I like) and there's BLONDE (which is scary...).

In any case, if you REALLY wanna kick up a big fuss, Nancy is topless in that scene twirling that lasso. But Jessica Alba wasn't.

Yeah, I know, life is never fair...

But I've been watching this show on Starworld (I think). It's called Angela's Eyes. Crap show but the actress is quite cute.


Reminds me of Evangeline Lilly...