Epiphone Les Paul Custom or Black Beauty 3, or Gibson LP Studio ??


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Hi !!
I know this is super boring for you guys,
and some of you guys don't even wana care ...
But i really desperately need some advice and comments ...

I'll be getting a Les Paul probably on this December,
and i'd my eyes on these 3 guitars long ago ...

- Epiphone Les Paul Custom
- Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty 3
- Gibson Les Paul Studio

I perfer fat, thick sound, and
will usually play with distortion more often ...

I know this sound strange, but i actually feel that Epiphone Les Paul Custom is
better then Gibson Les Paul Studio ...

I feel that both the Custom and Black Beauty 3 are similar ...
Just that the center pickup of Black Beauty 3 gets in my way sometimes ...

I was actually going for the Gibson Les Paul Studio because of its brand,
but the Studio is just not very attractive cos it has no bindings ...
and the other 2 guitars' looks are just tooo sexy ... :twisted:

I don't feel that there're huge differences in these 3 guitars ...
So, most probably, i'll be going for the looks ...

I desperately know your recommendation (which guitar, the colour, and reasons) ... :confused:

I'll appreciate Any and Every thing you know ...
Even insults ...
Just spit as many things you know as possible on me ...

THANKS !! :shock:
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Hey if you are getting the Gibson Studio get ALPHINE WHITE!
words of advice: If you are not inteding to own the guitar for very long consider the sell back rate. A gibson because of its name can definitely sell better 2nd handed.:)
You will find a lot of sample variation, so it's impossible to make a blanket statement about whether the Gibson studio is better than the Epi. Try them all out and trust your ears. My Gibson LP studio sounds wonderful to my ears, so I bought it. In fact it sounded better than a Gibson LP standard (3x the cost) - there's sample variation for you.
Well thats true but i can say that no point buying a guitar just so that u can sell it off later lah. The guitar has to feel and sound good to the player, which is the most important thing imho. Dudelove has his point, i currently own a edwards LP and i can say for the amount is paid for it, it is DEFINTELY WORTH IT! Much better than the chinese made epi LPs and some Gibson ones.
I know this sound strange, but i actually feel that Epiphone Les Paul Custom is better then Gibson Les Paul Studio ...

You must have spent a lot of time bolding all the words. You're entitled to your opinions though.

Anyways, here's my $0.02. The Epiphone Les Paul Custom is precisely the guitar that turned me off to any and ALL Epiphone Les Pauls. The one I had, neck was badly made, the truss rod insecure, and too short. The rod only stretched all the way to ther 12th fret, and no further. Any turning of the rod resulted in the neck bending up to the 12th fret. Any further fret would remain straight, or bulged.

Oh... and the pickups were shit.

So, no. No Epis for me, thank you. I'm very happy with my Gibson Les Paul Slash Goldtop even though it's sitting mostly in it's nice white fluff lining most of the time.

Honestly, I'd save for a Gibson LP Standard if I were you. Them pleked frets are something else.
Hahaha agree with u whitestrat, the new Gibbys are pretty impressive, more after u have the limited ed. slash....wish i had one lol. Well yeah i agree that saving up for the real thing is the way to go in searching for the illusive LP tone, but i guess it is all down to the budget and the buyer's motives.
Hahaha agree with u whitestrat, the new Gibbys are pretty impressive, more after u have the limited ed. slash....wish i had one lol. Well yeah i agree that saving up for the real thing is the way to go in searching for the illusive LP tone, but i guess it is all down to the budget and the buyer's motives.

After spending money on an Edwards, and 2 Epis, if you add that $$$ together, you CAN buy a Gibson. Maybe not a standard, but a Classic can be bought if you hunted hard enough. Having owned a Gibson now, I know what the fuss is about in terms of tone. And honestly, looking at the few pieces of Slash LPs I've tried, their QC, though still not top notch, has somewhat improved.
i own a gibson les paul studio myself. it has served me very well. but i at that point of time i had the cash so i just tested it really liked the 50s neck and the insane weight so i acquired it.

but if i didnt like it, i would choose those i recommended you. those are japanese made beauties. i've tried a burny and i loved it. if i had slightly above a thousand i'd go for it anytime. you can get tone that can match a gibson les paul anytime. just dont be so carried away by its name.

if i were you, i'd go try those guitars u are interested in for yourself. see if the guitar feels right in ur hands. some of my friends who played on my les paul hate my fat neck, whereas i love it. so its personal preference. you be the judge. go try them out :mrgreen:
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That i totally agree, gibson has really up their game this time round.......keke and true that spending money on an Edwards, and 2 Epis, and add that $$$ together, you can buy a Gibson. Keke i guess it's all down to PATIENCE AND SOUL SEARCHING!
My advice is get the Studio. Owned all the stuffs that you've mentioned. To me Epi lp custom simply doesn't worth the money. I prefer Epi standard anytime. Sorry for all the custom users no offence intended.

In the other hand, I'm very satisfied with my Studio. In fact, I really regret that I traded off my Studio with a gibson sg standard some times ago. End up I sold off the SG standard and bought another studio. The studio is my main gigging guitar nowadays. To me the balance and the weight is just perfect for me. I move a lot on my performance but my stamina is very low. Used to own a vintage burny that sounds superb but extremely heavy. Can't even stand to jam 2 hours with it.

Sound wise, studio is also perfect for me. Very versatile. Tho i feel pickups can be slightly hotter. My only complain is the color. Mine is a wine red. Abit too dull for my liking. Kinda love it more when I changed the pickguard and pickup mounting rings to cream color. But I'm still gasing badly for the white one or the premium plus.
Best you head down to a shop and try it all.. every guitat feels different. You'll get alot of different opinions.. one might be good for me might not suitable for you.. these are not 10 dollar guitars.. dont rush into buying.. take your time.. slowly you'll know what you want.
a gibson wil lbe a gibson, an epiphone will e an epiphone. but if you're lucky you can find a damn well made epiphone. or if you're unlucky you'll find a darn shitty made gibson. so you gotta try first.

ahhh, PREMIUM PLUS FTW. no regrets. only thing, the weight ahhh..........
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just get a japanese copy, has more mojo in my opinion
and gibson's robot series is embarrassing, they wanna be cool so much, id rather they stick with their triedd and tested les pauls formulae.. zz
must try the premium plus. the contour of the body is slightly different, but it feels better and looks better.
the sound if FUUYOUUU! :twisted: