Drummer up!


New member
straight to the point! the kinda sound i'm hoping to play for or achieve (think of these bands, i figure linking a sample is better used to describe than words):

Coheed & Cambria - Welcome Home, Here We Are Juggernaut

Saosin - Come Close, I Can Tell

Caracal - Cheers to love, Barrel of a gun

Great Spy Experiment - Class A Love Affair

My Chemical Romance stuff

Bodyslam (a thai band btw, but yea, their kinda dynamics)

kinda a mixture of all these sounds. not sure how fruitful this search will be. now it's time for a bit of myself. i'm 21, serving NS, but i get to book out everyday. been playing drums for a few years, been and played live with couple of bands but we either burned out or went our seperate ways. played mostly in the metal, alt rock, post-rock, kinda direction with the different bands. able to double pedal and blast beats but definitely not up to the REAL standard yet. still learning. but don't think i want to head in that metal direction for now.

influences are all over the place so i'll just list a few. (apart from those above of course)
Foo Fighters, Muse, Maroon 5, The Killers, Oasis, Immortal, Behemoth, Emperor, Dissection, Anaal Nathrakh.

you can really see what i listen to is all over the place. hope it's not confusing.
so yea, if you guys are interested in me playing drums for you guys, then drop me a pm!
Straight up to the point. Would you be interested in playing a more challenging progressive/experimental metal? I am looking for drummers that has the dynamics and groove. My band is more of Meshuggah influence and yeah the thing people now called djent.
Our influences are bands like Meshuggah, Vildhjarta, Tesseract and Textures (these are some of them)

Drum criteria : Basics, polyrythm, creativity and most importantly GROOVE.
We dont need heavy grinding drum beats or even a professional drummer to fill in but basically a drummer more of versatile.

Here's a our cover song from the infamous band called Textures :
This is our current favourite cover song :)
If youre interested we have our originals for you to check out!
Contact me @ 93493973
Looking forward :)
Bassist influenced by paramore, rufio , swellers and other punk rocking bands.. If you wanna try, we can find members to fill in..91890843
Hey, I am starting up a band and looking for a drummer. I have about 12 original songs that I want to put a band together to play and hopefully get a gig or two. So far I have a bass player and another guitarist. The songs are all indie rock influenced i.e Radiohead, The Music, Kasabian etc. Let me know if you are interested in meeting up for a jam.

Cheers, Richie
pm me at 90705427 if you're interested
We do classic rock with blues and jazz influence.
Perhaps you can give it a try :)