Drummer available


New member
hey i'm back again.

just finished poly and waiting for enlistment which is probably around august or september period so till then i'm free. preferably on weekdays because i also have other projects going on but they're always on the weekends, hence leaving my weekdays terribly free.

i won't say i'm terribly good at drumming but i'm learning as i go. able to double pedal but would rather not abuse it unless calls for. still not confident in blast beats so would rather not do it for now. but then again that would be kinda needless cos i'm not looking to play metal.

my influences are pretty long, ranging from alternative to death and black metal, so i won't list em out. but for now, the sound that i'm kinda aiming for to join is like a mix of quite a lot of stuff.

Coheed & Cambria's dynamics, technicality and energy
Foo Fighter's wit and seriousness
Saosin's energy and fullness of their sound
Blink-182's wit and simplicity at times
Muse's style maybe but a pinch of more fun
Nirvana's straight forwardness and ideas
or like the easy listening type of Maroon 5 and Oasis or smth
or like a crazily drugged out System of a Down
maybe even Fall Out Boy for their catchyness. (don't hate, even the blackest of black metal songs are brutally catchy.)

probably can keep listing but yea. hope you get the idea. so if you guys are interested, have a band that sounds like that but missing a drummer, or just need a drummer, drop me a PM and see if we can work something out :)
hey i could use you. i'm on summer break now. me and another guy are looking into playing muse's music and have similar tastes as you have.just that we wouldnt wanna play punk music or the like. 96493147 ... my number, if youre interested.
HI lol okay im alphonse, my band well we've started since last year around sept, and yep we're blahblah and well our drummer kind of left cause of some stupid stuff and reasons, but anw

this is pretty obvious, the subject, we need a new drummer. i saw your post on soft so yup you interested?
we play gun's n roses, queen, sum41, apparently modern rock, alternative rock and now going into classical rock. but we could definitely play songs you would like to as long as we can play them and all :)

we're all friendly people haha, we did aim to start gigging but then our drummer left and all and now we don't have a complete line-up so hope you'll want to fill up the last slot!

and yeah we're of course friendly and just hope you'll really really really join ;xxxxx our band goal is to jam fun haha and do gigs around when we got the standard up.

and of course who wants to improve and be better and will come to jamming with the attitude of "i want to show off" :D

anw we're aged 16-20 :) yeah if interested, sms me at 97523918 or reply to my email ASAP. we normally jam on friday/saturday 7.00-9.00. hope to hear your reply!

SERIOUSLY WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU was happy to see your post. ! :D

Hey, my band plays all time low, blink, boys likke girls stufff catchy songs ....We have originals too! :) If interested sms 82511411 we can jam and have gigs:)
we are looking for a drummer who can play fast music and is passionate and can commit to music.
band playing genre post-hardcore,alternative and punk.

playing songs from:
a skylit drive
and many more...

reply in this thread or email me at : nurmuhammad666@hotmail.com
band stuff

would u like to join our band?
the genre we would be playing are posthardcore/electronica(hopefully)
so far we have 5 members from ages between 17-19 :D
2 guitarist,1singer/keyboardist,1 screamer,1 bassist

about the band ....
the band is ard 1 years old but is now on a break(due to studies)
when the band was 1st created there were 3 members...1 guitarist,1 bassist and 1 drummer(now at Australia studying)...
the genre we used to play was metalcore XP

ookok enough about that
the stuffs we are gonna play are stuffs from Blessthefall,A city serene, AttackAttack,OF men&mice, Oceana,ASKingAlexandria,TheWordAlive,Infire&Faith,Motion in white,etcetc

hopefully on November/december we would start giging

jamz would start on early September...
add me at msn XP
Hey you still available? We're looking for a drummer and we play classic and modern rock like Green Day, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, GNR, Oasis, 3 Doors Down and etc... Our age group is from 19-23.

If interested, do pm me asap. Thanks!
Currently Looking for a drummer

The band kinda playing Alternative/Grunge Rock - more to Nirvana, Silverchair and abit of foos.. but mostly Nirvana, Silver and originals, been gigs a few times.. so yeah, drop me a pm if ur interested? our age range 18-19