Drum shops in Bangkok


New member
I have lived in Bangkok for a few months after being away for 5 years but I'll chime in what I know here.

1. Werng Nakhon Kasem, next to Chinatown (yao wa rad)

main congregation of music stores. But don't expect to see drums or cymbals displaying nicely. They probably won't let you try on the products either.

2. Drum Tech Center, in RCA area.

Cadeson, OCDP, N&C Dealer, although last time I was there, they only have Cadeson drums to test. My guess is they do not stock OCDP, etc., and only custom order them for customers (I'm not sure about this though).

Go there early evening and wait a couple hours to see the hottest dance clubs, Route 66, it is just 5 minutes walk from there.

3. Pro Audio and Music, also in RCA area.

Not so much with drums, but they are Sabian dealer. Got a little wall of Sabian for you to hit on.

4. Classic Drums, Near Lumpini Park and night bazarr

Well this is our own shops. We sell only classic and vintage drums and cymbals. Check the inventory at our website at www.classicdrums.net

Hope this helps.
