dimarzio area 58 pickup


New member
recently got my pups swapped out. now i've got an area 58 in my neck. so here's the review after playing with it for some time.

content richness:
here's some background on this pup. dimarzio apparently used some technology called area technology to decrease hum SIGNIFICANTLY. not only that, the magnets used are also supposedly weaker, thus giving better sustain.

ok, so now that we're on the same level, lets get started. on clean mode, chords sound pretty huge, almost as though played with a humbucker, yet maintains some of that bell-like sharpness that seperates single coils from humbuckers. single notes sound sweet, thick and very clear. yet higher notes dont sound brittle.

with the gain rolled down, chords have a nice crunch to it. once again thick sounding chords that u've come to love from humbuckers. as for single notes, low notes sound almost muddy, might be a case of too much lows in my settings but i still find it not really mud. almost, but since its single notes, no worries for me there. high notes are given a sort of bass boost here. pretty cool imo. i like it when i'm playing blues

mid level gain aka rock setting. rhythm guitarists such as myself will love what this pup can do in neck position of a strat. power chords sound awesome. definitely not a wimpy pup! dimarzio promised it wasn't going to be a thin-sounding pup, and they didn't disappoint. solos here sound decent, clarity throughout the board. harmonics ring out clearly, thats a plus :D

now for high gain, which i think is what this pup was built for. pretty quiet. no hum coming out. feedback comes easily. just leave ur strings untouched and u'll hear it. chords-wise, nothing to complain abt, not muddy thats for sure. harmonics are a breeze to produce and there is still clarity, surprise surprise :D a sweet singing sound when solo-ing on the high notes. not into sweep picking yet so i cant vouch for that. any neo-classical sweepers with this pup wanna give their comments on that? :)

ok thats pretty much it. hope it helps :)

gears used:
cij fender 54 strat
- alder body
- maple neck and fretboard
sg15 amp in cleans
beta aivin hm200 through the sg15 for all overdrive in this test (more impressive sounding that way)
Good shit. I had a Area 61 neck, 58 middle, and Virtual Solo in bridge. Dimarzio pickups are really quiet and harmonics are easy to produce.

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