Demo Or EP


New member
Hi guys,

If you guys dun mind, I need your guys input, would you guys do a Demo (raw recording) or EP(proper studio recording) for your band?

Hope you can give me some enlightenment

Thank you and
"thank you and what?" haha

using your definition, i'll make an EP. i'm sure not many will accept substandard recording.

but i thought demo is like 1 or 2 songs where u give out to gig organisers or that sort to show that what u are capable of and EPs are like around 4 songs u give to ur fans to give a hint of what u are coming up for ur album.

but what do i know? i know chugga chugga only.
heh, in this age and with the technology available, its really really hard, not to do any recording with at least, 44.1khz 24 bit sampling rate.

Forget bout the demo. Make full use of the technology available, go for a proper cd quality recording. Demo is a thing of the past when recording tool/gear aint as wide spread as now.

For the bands, dont even need to be tight playing together, as long as individual members can follow metronome and getting all the parts lay down. Heh, post production can cut and paste, quantize what so ever. Just make sure the sound is good in the beginning before recording.
just wondering do bands resued all the songs in their EP and include in their albums?
by itself, an ep is an album, but not having enough material in it to make it a full length album.

Lotsa bands dont mixed ep with lp. Unless you wanna do it the japanese way of releasing singles after singles with some extra material(usually instrumental tracks, b sides that dont make it to album) and end of the single releases, comes the album with all the singles put into one
either way it's real frustrating for a collector.

i would suggest you get a proper recording done if you intend to release it, but don't spend so much that you won't be able to recover the cost
Oh hadi, you haven't tell us what you want your demo / EP for. What's the purpose of this?

I'd do a demo / single track recording in an early stage of song writing / composition because I know my band wouldn't be that polished in playing the new song. Once I'm certain we can nail the song 100% perfectly in less than 3 takes, I'd opt for multi track recording / mixing instead to make the finished product a finished product!
japanese way of biz for the music biz rather interesting. The spending power of their people for their favourite artist also help in a big way, with the cd singles thingy and all sort of extra stuff concerning the artist.

heh, i know i dont really buy any western music singles in a long while. Most of the time, the extras doesnt really intrigued me. Interestingly, i wonder how many actually still buy western music cd singles. The last time when i actively did so, was back in 90s and turn of y2k. Internet really change lotsa habits of listening pleasure, for me at least.
Nope. I don't buy singles cause the extras aren't usually worth it. For Japan, a few singles would lead to an album. If lets say they release 4 singles, only the A-sides would make it to the album. It may be worth collecting the singles solely for the B sides.

I always find that American singles always inculde a B-side as well, but its not new material. Probably old material remixed and rehashed
there is still a lot of filler around... i only buy albums which have little to no filler in them or if i really like the band/musician.

the last single i bought was juicebox by the strokes, but that was only for the bside.
talkin bout fillers, for the last couple years or so when most of the stuff which i listen are usually vocal-less and non songs like stuff, there wasnt too much of a fillers issues in albums iam listening.

Its either all are fillers like which kinda make everything norm or that without the vocal and different structure in the music composition, the fillers issues seem to have disappeared, as compared to vocal music(various genre) which i was/am still into
decent demo first.
build fan base locally.
Get your EP.....

(possible for metal/punk/hardcore/indie bands cause other countries got networks and shit that always welcome foreign bands)
Oh hadi, you haven't tell us what you want your demo / EP for. What's the purpose of this?

ok here is the story, My vocalist wants to do a demo while I want to do an EP. My vocalist said that , he do not want to do an 4 track ep because he said that "it would be a waste if we use the 4 track on the Ep then if in the future IF we going to do album, we cannot use the same for track". but I think otherwise.

I had hard time telling him that EP would be a good start.
heh, strange reason imho. Like the well of inspirations and ideas going to dry up soon, so must leave an escape route

how would the demo be different be from the ep if the songs still the same 4 songs but in raw as war quality that give rise to ear fatique?

of course, unless the demo means less than 4 songs, still can go ahead and do it. Quality of recordings should not be an issue. Like i mentioned, its hard to do raw recording in this age with a decent laptop, audio interface, multi tracking. Going lo fi is harder to achieve then having cd quality recording(with all the softwares, hardware for recording)

Heh, unless the recording device is a 4 track tape recorder ala early 90s, then that one confirmed RAWWWWWW as WARRRRRR, demo casette style!
Write good songs.
EPs, LPs, Demos. Their all just stupid labels.
Who says you can't release something with 40 songs, or 2 songs.
Arguing about it is pretty goddamn stupid.

It's also about your intention, do you want to sell the thing? Or do you just want to get a rough track down?

I've listened to both your bands and if you're talking about Knightsfall I'd spend more time writing good songs versus arguing about whether you should do a demo or a EP.
yeah, a laptop w M-box and 2 mics wld make a pretty decent demo to pass around to friends and organisers and can even upload on myspace.........

Doin a more 'professional' EP is a good start to really test the mkt for yr music before u commit all those resources into the full album..........