
I dont mind. hoping to find someone who would share the cost of shipping too..

wHAT do you have in mind of buying
kk, thats cool....where you planning to get from? Online stores or something. I haven't finalised what i'm gonna get yet. It depends on which online store you're planning on getting from. Pls tell me which one you're looking at or buying from and i'll check out what i can get from there, depending on the price. I'm getting some guitar stuff for myself and some growth supplements (height stuff) for my bro. Tonnes around in the US. He's in competitive sports and may need to import cos there aren't any sold in singapore just yet.
well... I'm planning on getting grover tuners for my les paul.
From Warmouth that is... But they only come in packs of 6's for each side...
So i'll have to buy 6 left and 6 right for my les paul.

So anyone with a les paul thinking about changin to grovers? Wana chip in?

Regarding the growth hormones thingy... I'm not really sure, there are lots of hoaxes ya know? Maybe you find me a reliable/reputable site, then i'll give a second thought.

Meanwhile!!! ANYONE needs anything overseas, please post your request too here, we'll see what we can come up wth together. 8O
grovers are only for les paul? Eh i dun understand u said 6 for each side by isn't it 3 left and 3 right?
"grovers are only for les paul? Eh i dun understand u said 6 for each side by isn't it 3 left and 3 right?

6 for each side - how can it be 3 left 3 right? what are you talking about?

How can anyone not understand 6 for each side, it means 6 left and 6 right... and i would be left with extras if i fix them on my LP. duh???

%$@#&* -censored- :D

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