dear all bassist !!


New member
i am a beginner bassist who has just started learning the bass for not long . I have a number of questions to ask , is it really very impt to get the stuff like the triad arpeggios ( etc major , minor and augmented ) , 7th chord arpeggious , modes such as the ( ionian , dorian ,lydian etc) and of course scales such as pentatonic and harmonic , because i have some prob getting them into my mind.Anyone could have a better way of learning all these stuff ?

THX ! :p
yes, knowing all this stuff are important. Before u learn how do stunts on a bike u need to learn the basics and how to balance. all this theory will give u good balance in the future when you want to move on into other musical styles and techniques.

a good way to memorise them at first would be to use shapes like associate each scale/arp with a particular shape. this is the advantage of playing fretted string instruments cause all u need to learn is one major scale shape and just move the root around to have your other major scales. its the same with ur modes and ur arps.
Cover the basics scales first. Regarding modes later u will begin to understand. Hear the sound n rem it. It really helps. Like how a Major C and Minor C sounds different. Go step by step. Dun rush. U will get blur....
wow thx guys !! So the best way is to get the shape of the arpg and the scales into my mind first?
yup, learning chord shapes in different positions would be a good start. prob can start with the maj / minor / sus / 7 and then later branch out into the other extensions.

theory wise, i wld go for chord construction together with scales because i found they make sense together as you superimpose the shapes of the chord of the scale patterns :)

as bassics mentioned, the beauty is we only need to go thru this exercise once.. then just shift around over the neck, much to the envy of the n wind n piano type instruments :p

...and take your time and enjoy the journey :)
oh man thx for the advice . But i have this prob of not getting the pattern of the triads and arpeggious . Is there any way that can help me with it? :confused:
1. associate everything to C first. no sharps or flats.
2. memorise every note on ur fret board.
3. learn what constitutes the arps

1 3 5 7 major
1 3 5 b7 dom
1 b3 5 b7 min
1 3 #5 7 aug
1 b3 b5 b7 half dim/dim has bb7

then figure them out step by step.

4. Practice them till they are stuck in your brain.
5. Apply them in your playing.
6. If still lost, get a teacher
well, no point being able to play modal music if your timing and rhythm is crap... why not, while you are learning all these things, use a metronome to keep in time. set the tempo really REALLY slow, and you will realise how hard even the simplest of riffs can become :)
hahaha. i will try to practice with a drum machine from my bp80 . Wow ! Learning the modes is sure hard work . makes my brain bleed =( .:mad:
Guys pardon me for my noob question again , any ideal how can i apply the different modes and appg ?

Thx a million :p
Memory work

Actually, you don't really have to memorise all of them by heart. You can find your way around the fretboard by utilising the fretmarkers and the position of the octaves. Understanding modes and scales are very impt in mastery of the fretboard too.
+1 to rottenramone and shapes

anyway while everyone realises the importance of learning scales, i feel not enough emphasis is placed on rhythm. no matter how fantastically you walk the scale, you can't be playing jazz-style crotchets when the music requires a reggae or funk or bossa rhythm to it. you can't be 'locking' with the drummer if the 2 of you are playing different styles

i like to use chromatic scales in triplet beats. very cheapo and effective :mrgreen:
the best way for me to use different modes and scales is to forget them. Don't think so much abt how to use them. when u're familiar with these things and when u create songs, it's bound to pop up somewhere with ur ideas. that's for me.

Experiment around with different sounds and try out new things. try combining them, and see if it's nice.
go youtube and look for john myung bass instructional. it should help you quite some bit too.

Youtube is an amazing webby. make use of it :)
Btw,dun forget the techniques-Slap,Slide,hammer-on,pull-off,etc....
Slot tis things in our practice
View Bill Dicken "the Bass Buddha" @ utube and probably may blown by him?
1. associate everything to C first. no sharps or flats.
2. memorise every note on ur fret board.
3. learn what constitutes the arps

1 3 5 7 major
1 3 5 b7 dom
1 b3 5 b7 min
1 3 #5 7 aug
1 b3 b5 b7 half dim/dim has bb7

then figure them out step by step.

4. Practice them till they are stuck in your brain.
5. Apply them in your playing.
6. If still lost, get a teacher

wow.. ive been playing bass for 3 months i and didnt know such things exist.. :( anyone can gimme a free lesson :p